New to Forum question on download STL
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New to Forum question on download STL  

Active Member
New to Forum question on download STL

Hi all, 

Been printing with my MK3S for years and loving it. All my prints have been from my own STL files........ now i am trying to print files downloaded from the popular website like thingaverse......... but when I slice some of these files thru Prusa Slicer, the correct pinter moves do not appear to be incorporated in my G-Code. The print head does not prime, the bed heats before the print head and parks in the front and very low while waiting for the bed to heat...... and when the print is done the printer does not cool down.

I am trying to learn the file system quirks.


Posted : 25/09/2024 10:29 am
Illustrious Member

Are you sure you are using STL files ?  Stl files when loaded into Prusa Slicer still use your profiles, ie Print, Filament and Printer.  

If however you are opening a 3mf file you have downloaded from a website then its possible with 3mf files for them to contain the profiles of their original creators machines.  If that is the case then you are slicing for THEIR printer and not your own.  So double check the selected profiles.  (this can also happen with other file types like AMF too).  A 3mf file can contain much more than geometry/model data, depending on the program that has created it.  

You can load in a 3mf without using any associated profiles that may be stored inside it it.  When you OPEN a 3Mf file you are saying use all the contents including the profile.  If you start PS and make sure the profiles you want to use are selected you can then use the Add button from the platter at the top [cntrl+I].  Add just Adds geometry, ie model data.  OPEN , well Opens the file so loads everything.

This post was modified 5 mins ago by Neophyl
Posted : 25/09/2024 12:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New to Forum question on download STL

Yes, everything i have done is with STL files...... it was always my assumption that Prusa Slicer would encode in the G-Code the instruction to run the MK3S properly (print a priming run, start the printhead first so you can clean off excess filament, and cool down after the pring was finished. 

Posted : 25/09/2024 12:22 pm