mysterious empty layer warnings
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mysterious empty layer warnings  

Active Member
mysterious empty layer warnings

I use prusaslicer 2.3.0 on windows 10, with my thin walls detection on.

Yesterday I sliced a bunch of files (without supports) with no issues or warnings, this morning I found something about the 'support cubic' infill setting and I sliced one of these files with that infill this morning and it came up with 3 empty layer warnings.
When I return to my normal (now old) infill setting of gyroid, I still get the empty layer warnings.

I can't see where the empty layers should be, all the layers look fine.
I have had these mystery emtpy layer warnings before, also with no visible problems in the layers as far as I could see. I also printed files with these warnings before, without any issues.

Is there any way I can find what lines the warnings are referring to?

NB. I have had files with real missing layers or superthin walls that went missing so I know what those look like. This is nog the case here.


Napsal : 12/03/2021 7:59 am
Illustrious Member
RE: mysterious empty layer warnings

Without the saved project file (.3mf) we cant even begin to give any sort of answer beyond wild fruitless speculation.  Save the project, zip it into an archive and attach it to a post here.

For example just recently someone was asking a very similar question.  They helpfully posted the problem file and it turned out they had accidentally left a VERY small copy of the module placed below a larger scaled and cut version of it.  As it was inside the other model and would have empty layers the warning was given but there was zero visible evidence.  Now I am not saying thats going to be the same in your case but its an example of the wide variety of things it **could** be.

Napsal : 12/03/2021 12:33 pm
Diona se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mysterious empty layer warnings

I understand, but these files are not my property and I am test printing them for the creator. For now they choose not to share any yet and keep investigating themselves.

We have more of these mysterious empty-layer warnings in prusaslicer, but not in the other slicers, and the prints do not give any issues.
Weird thing is that you can slice a file and it will be fine, and then slice it again and get these errors, even if you don't change any settings.

I am sorry I can't provide more information or the files.

Napsal : 12/03/2021 12:48 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: mysterious empty layer warnings


Without a sample the only thing I can suggest is that you slice with support; you *might* be able to deduce something from the placement.


Napsal : 12/03/2021 1:35 pm
Diona se líbí