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Multiple Platters..?  

Active Member
Multiple Platters..?

Sometimes I have a lot of different parts that need to be sliced differently or otherwise have different settings.  Right now I just create a separate project for each platter.  It would be nice if PrusaSlicer would give the ability to add multiple platters within a single project.  It would sure make arranging all the models simpler.

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2020 11:21 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Multiple Platters..?

I think you are trying to apply a paradigm that doesn't match Plicer's work flow. You can load all the objects you want to print, and make some individual settings changes for different objects.

Since you appear to be new, one more tip to save you future hassle. Once you have applied the settings and orientation you want you should save the project, it will save as a 3mf file. This project file will include all the objects, their locations on the bed, global print setting, individual object settings, mesh modifiers, support blockers/enforcers, etc. That way you won't have to replicate all the layout work you did if you decide you need to tweak one thing.

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Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2020 11:58 pm
New Member
RE: Multiple Platters..?

Hi -

I admit that I am new, but I have the same question.

After downloading a project from thingiverse, I brought in all the STL files and pressed the arrange button.

The pieces were obviously arranged in platter groups, but the slicer would generate "objects outside of print area" errors.

Is there a way to generate either three gcode files, or a single gcode file that has a "now clear the platter pause" ?

I could not find much documentation on the arrange function.

I understand that I could make three project files with 1/3 of the parts each.  Hoping that there is an easier way, since the tool seems to be doing most of the work already.

Screen shot included below.

Have a grat day.








Veröffentlicht : 28/03/2020 1:05 am