Multi-material Painting Lost When Splitting
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Multi-material Painting Lost When Splitting  

Ken Hammond
Active Member
Multi-material Painting Lost When Splitting

I have several multicolor objects that I would like to split to avoid underside imperfections.  These objects have a complex color pattern that I assign with the multimaterial painting tool.  When I split the objects, I lose all of the color assignments.  Coloring after the split isn't really feasible because of the complexity of the pattern.  Does anyone know how to avoid this?

Postato : 02/03/2024 7:59 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Multi-material Painting Lost When Splitting

You cant avoid it as far as I know.  Painting (of any type, supports, seams etc) marks faces and areas of the model.   This is done in the background by using a list of faces that make up the geometry.  ANY change to the geometry, and this even includes reloading the exact same model in again (reload from disc) will reset the list of faces and so ALL painted is invalidated.

Postato : 02/03/2024 8:19 pm
Ken Hammond
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Multi-material Painting Lost When Splitting

OK, I got around it by opening a second instance of Prusa Slicer on the same file as a reference and going through the tedious process of duplicating the color pattern on the split pieces.

Postato : 08/03/2024 4:47 am