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MMU3 sequential printing  

Active Member
MMU3 sequential printing

 I am trying to print two instances of the same object sequentially on the same build plate in two different colors using sequential printing and an MMU3 unit. I am using original MK3.9 MMU3 0.4 nozzle and two extruders assigned thereto. The purpose is (1) a matter of convenience and (2) to test the feature. The setting for sequential printing is ticked. The result is a "you can't use the wipe tower for this" and the pre- and post-slice views results in two separate overlapping build plates with each item shown once in the chosen colors. I imagine the result would be printing the first object, pausing to remove it, and resuming the second. But I have not actually run it yet.

Can I assume I cannot use the MMU for sequential printing on the same plate at the same time? Or is there a trick?  Thank you for the feedback.

Posted : 20/03/2025 7:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 sequential printing

Further to the OP - I tried smaller objects that would print on a single plate in a single color, but found you cannot do multi-color sequential printing on the same plate. The slicer does not yet know how to handle the wipe tower. Optimistically, I would hope that option is in the works. 😀 

Posted : 20/03/2025 9:43 pm