MK4S profile not available when downloading 2.8 from github
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MK4S profile not available when downloading 2.8 from github  

New Member
MK4S profile not available when downloading 2.8 from github

Do we have to run a configuration update after installing 2.8 on our systems to see the MK4S profiles? When I try to run it, it says that no updates are available. This is a work computer, so I am slightly suspect of IT blocking ports to see updates. However, Prusaslicer does not throw an error saying it couldn't communicate with the update server, so I am not certain this is the issue.

Posted : 18/09/2024 1:31 pm
Illustrious Member

You have run the configuration wizard haven't you ?  Profiles are installed via the wizard.  The S is classed as a different printer so even if you had a Mk4 installed previously its not the same thing.   

The wizard was updated in 2.8 to only contain prusa printers in the 'core' software install, others you have to select and at that point it downloads the needed files from whatever server.  So I would expect it to have the Mk4 avaialble to the wizard.

Posted : 18/09/2024 2:04 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:

Yes, I was using the configuration wizard. I would skip to the section for Prusa printers though. This was after I tried updating the config files through menu tab earlier, so naturally, when it said there were no updates, I assumed it had already updated to have the MK4S profiles installed (this was not the case, obviously). After I posted this however, I was sniffing around in the wizard a bit and found that you could manually update the config. Downloaded from the link that Prusa included in that section and was able to get the 4S profile installed. Like I said earlier though, this is a work computer, so our IT dept is likely blocking the ports that allow Prusaslicer to phone home with. The only issue I have with this, is that the slicer does not have an error message that displays when it cannot reach the update server. It just reports that there are no current updates available and all is well.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Aaronc321
Posted : 18/09/2024 3:38 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: MK4S profile not available when downloading 2.8 from github

Might want to raise that as a feature request over on the PS github.  I completely agree a proper error message if it cant retrieve anything is required rather than the misleading nothing to download.

Posted : 19/09/2024 2:36 pm