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Missing filament user preset  

Trusted Member
Missing filament user preset

I create custom user presets for filaments, after I have dialed in at least the extrusion multiplier, and often dial in temperatures, custom cooling, speeds, etc. Recently I have been creating them for polymaker PETG, which I am trying to get to print properly. I am having an issue with the preset being recognized by the system, but not available to me from the selection menu. I have tested this on 2.8.0 and a 2.7.# released builds with the same results.

I started with the generic PETG profile, made a change, and I hit the 'disc' icon to indicate I want to save it. I renamed it. Here you can see the result (it was brief, the next time I checked this was gone). It is strange as it has a red flag icon, I do not know what that means. As you can see I've successfully done this with other filaments (they have green flags) but it's no longer working.

Here you can see what that menu looks like now:

If I try to repeat the process, and create the user preset by saving it again, and enter the same name, then it reports this error:


I have the slicer settings set like this:

I would love some guidance on how to address this issue.

Opublikowany : 07/08/2024 8:06 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Missing filament user preset

Red flag means the filament dependencies don't allow it for the profiles (printer or print) that you have selected.  Where you have the disc icon next to the dropdown you also have a green flag icon.  Click that.  When its green in means only show the compatible profiles.  If you click it then it changes to red and the incompatible ones are shown in the list too.

So in the filament profile>dependencies screen theres a couple of fields with compatible printers conditions and compatible print profiles conditions. 

If clicking the flag to red gets it to show up again clear out the compatible printers and print conditions fields under Filament Profile>Dependencies before saving it again.

Even the generic ones are often tied to a specific printer type.  For example if I select a Mk3 from my printer list and then select Generic PETG the compatible printers conditions contains "nozzle_diameter[0]!=0.8 and printer_model!="MK2SMM" and printer_notes!~/.*MINI.*/ and printer_notes!~/.*PG.*/ and ! (printer_notes=~/.*PRINTER_VENDOR_PRUSA3D.*/ and printer_notes=~/.*PRINTER_MODEL_MK(2.5|3).*/ and single_extruder_multi_material) and printer_model!="MK3.5"   "  
So that Generic PETG is still limited to the printers defined there.  

If I change my printer to a neptune 3 max then the Generic PETG becomes Generic PETG @ELEGOO and ITS compatible printers condition contains "printer_notes=~/.*PRINTER_VENDOR_ELEGOO.*/"   

This is why years ago I made a copy of all the filament profiles and detached them all and made copies without any conditions.  Now I'm completely independent of any changes Prusa makes to them and just use my own.  No more worries about stuff changing or becoming not available.

Prusa's profiles are great for people who don't know what they are doing, are new or don't have the confidence to make their own changes. 

Opublikowany : 07/08/2024 9:28 pm