Missing 4 layers at high point "corners"
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Missing 4 layers at high point "corners"  

New Member
Missing 4 layers at high point "corners"

I tried multiple layer heights but everytime I got some kind of spooky gap like the one shown. In the printed model it shows up in one corner only. Its quite important for me to not have that little gap since its for a Sax Mouthpiece and air eveness is crucial. I tried sharing the .stl but couldn't upload it to the site. In any case is the "perfecto 7 regular" alto sax mouthpiece on thingiverse by the user "barrysax".



Postato : 17/04/2023 6:35 pm
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: Missing 4 layers at high point "corners"

Try to vary your settings in the slicer if this disappears in the view in the slicer. Layer height perhaps or number of perimeters. Or try File > Repair STL file in PrusaSlicer, perhaps that can fix the gaps.

Postato : 17/04/2023 8:03 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Missing 4 layers at high point "corners"

Actually it’s a known limitation of the default Arachne settings. You can try tweaking the Arachne settings or you can try classic slicing and then adjusting things like extrusion widths manually to get features in the slice parameters. 

Btw for future reference you have to zip up files to attach them as the forum has a very limited allowed range of file types. Also the preferred attachment is a saved Prusa slicer project 3mf file as that contains the part and more importantly the settings you are using to slice. 

Postato : 18/04/2023 5:04 am
elephantwalker smith
New Member
RE: Missing 4 layers at high point "corners"

I have the same problem on the tip of a cockpit in a model airplane. Classic fixes the problem, there are no settings for Arachne which achieves a good tip print. New is not always the best. 

Postato : 18/04/2023 5:48 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

Hello, thanks for all the answers. How should I disable Arachne? Just downgrade to 2.4.2?

Postato : 23/04/2023 4:21 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Missing 4 layers at high point "corners"

you need to be in advanced mode, or Expert mode

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 23/04/2023 4:45 pm
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