micro blobs on outer wall of wheel print - where to start?
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micro blobs on outer wall of wheel print - where to start?  

Eminent Member
micro blobs on outer wall of wheel print - where to start?

(Accidentally posted in the wrong forum)

I have a model that I've been printing flawlessly on my CR10sPRO for months.  Due to some machine maintenance, I'm trying to print the same model on my CR6SE, but getting small, micro blobs on the sides.  The model is basically a cogged wheel as shown below.

Cogged Wheel Blobs

I've attached the .3mf file for further reference. 

Seems like a retraction issue, but not sure.  Any suggestions?  The model is already set up to paint the seam in one of the cog indents.  I'm attempting to slow it down but the Filament cooling setting to slow down if print time is below seems locked, so I can't modify that to release slower prints.  It is currently set to 5 seconds and isn't changeable.

Here is a link to the .3mf: Wheel 3mf

Posted : 14/10/2022 11:53 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: micro blobs on outer wall of wheel print - where to start?

Quick update, got the slow down parameter unlocked via enabling auto cooling.  Set the slowdown if layer time is below to 60 seconds and that seems to be elongating the print time.


Posted : 15/10/2022 12:13 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

For anyone passing this way in the future, I was able to resolve the issue with slowing down the print speed.  Doing that isn't exactly intuitive in PS, but once I had it set, the print came out beautifully after a 20% jump in print time.

Posted : 15/10/2022 8:08 pm