Manual multicolour printing: unnecessary blob after tool change
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Manual multicolour printing: unnecessary blob after tool change  

Chris Hill
Estimable Member
Manual multicolour printing: unnecessary blob after tool change

I was reminded of this after reading the unnecessary M600 thread (can you tell?).  When I print two different colours on the first few layers (to embed some text or graphics), after I load the new colour and the extruder squirts a bit of filament onto the front-right of the build plate, the nozzle then returns to the last point it was at, lowers the z-axis, and dobs a bit of the new colour on top of the last bit of the old colour, before heading straight off to the wipe tower.  That dob of new colour can be visible if, say, it's a darker colour on top of the first layer of a lighter colour.

This seems unnecessary to me - why can't the nozzle go straight from the front-right to the wipe tower? 

My work-around is to place a sheet of paper on top of what's already printed, to catch the dob, then remove it once the nozzle heads for the wipe tower.

I'm not fluent in gcode - I had a look for the instruction that returns the nozzle to the last point before heading for the wipe tower, but I couldn't find anything.  I guess it might be built into the firmware.  But that unnecessary M600 thread reminded me to ask here whether anyone knows of a better solution than my sheet of paper.

Napsal : 21/05/2023 12:13 pm
Famed Member
RE: Manual multicolour printing: unnecessary blob after tool change

I wish.  It's part of the M600 procedure, why it does it, I can't fathom. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 21/05/2023 6:01 pm
Chris Hill
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Manual multicolour printing: unnecessary blob after tool change

Oh well, thanks for the reply.  I guess I'll stick with the sheet of paper then.

Napsal : 21/05/2023 7:09 pm
Illustrious Member

For *manual* multimaterial printing the wipe tower is unnecessary, disable it then use @joantabb's method, the third post on:


Napsal : 21/05/2023 7:24 pm
Chris Hill
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Manual multicolour printing: unnecessary blob after tool change

Thanks Diem - I didn't realise the wipe tower could be disabled.  I do see the colour clearing while printing the wipe tower, especially when changing from dark to light, but I guess I could just hit 'no' a few more times when it asks if the new colour is loaded.

Napsal : 22/05/2023 1:00 am