Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?
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Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?  

Easy Target
Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?

I have the following custom start gcode defined. (PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 on linux x64)

G28 ; home
G21 ; metric values
G90 ; absolute positioning
M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode
M107 ; start with the fan off
M117 "Job [input_filename_base] starting"
G1 X0 Y100 Z20 F6000 ; move to heatup (ooze control) position
M190 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[0] - 5} ; wait for bed temperature - 5
M117 "reached {[first_layer_bed_temperature[0]] - 5} bed"
M190 [first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp
M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp

It fails to slice at the second M117 command; saying:

G-code export to /tmp/.27470.gcode failed due to invalid custom G-code sections:
Parsing error at line 9. Unknown syntax error
M117 "reached {[first_layer_bed_temperature[0]] - 5} bed"

I assume that macros are not allowed in `M117` statements? I see no other reason why this would fail in line 9 when it worked in line 8 immediately before that. Is there is reason for this regression?

ps: I'm actually trying to run `M117 "{Layer [layer_num] + 1} of [total_layer_count]"` in the layer change code to give  (non zero-indexed) user feedback. The above example is a demo that the issue is not the macro, but it's context (M190 vs M117).

pps: I can work around, but I lost time trying to debug this; a nice clear statement in the macro documentation listing where macros can and cannot be used would have neen helpful.

Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 11 months por Easy Target
Respondido : 14/02/2024 4:58 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?

Might want to post this on the PS github.  This is a user to user forum mainly and the Devs wont generally see anything posted here.

Respondido : 15/02/2024 8:12 am
Easy Target me gusta
Easy Target
Topic starter answered:
RE: Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?

@Neophyl ; thank you, that's a better idea.

I spent a bit more time looking into what I want to do, and realising I could have given a better example etc. last night. So I can do a better job of this on Github. As I say above this is very low-pri, nice-to-have for me. But still, it would be nice to be able to do some math on the values you want to display via M117.

Respondido : 15/02/2024 4:54 pm