Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?
I have the following custom start gcode defined. (PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 on linux x64)
G28 ; home G21 ; metric values G90 ; absolute positioning M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode M107 ; start with the fan off M117 "Job [input_filename_base] starting" G1 X0 Y100 Z20 F6000 ; move to heatup (ooze control) position M190 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[0] - 5} ; wait for bed temperature - 5 M117 "reached {[first_layer_bed_temperature[0]] - 5} bed" M190 [first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp
It fails to slice at the second M117 command; saying:
G-code export to /tmp/.27470.gcode failed due to invalid custom G-code sections:
Parsing error at line 9. Unknown syntax error
M117 "reached {[first_layer_bed_temperature[0]] - 5} bed"
I assume that macros are not allowed in `M117` statements? I see no other reason why this would fail in line 9 when it worked in line 8 immediately before that. Is there is reason for this regression?
ps: I'm actually trying to run `M117 "{Layer [layer_num] + 1} of [total_layer_count]"` in the layer change code to give (non zero-indexed) user feedback. The above example is a demo that the issue is not the macro, but it's context (M190 vs M117).
pps: I can work around, but I lost time trying to debug this; a nice clear statement in the macro documentation listing where macros can and cannot be used would have neen helpful.
RE: Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?
Might want to post this on the PS github. This is a user to user forum mainly and the Devs wont generally see anything posted here.
RE: Macros not allowed in M117 custom gcode?
@Neophyl ; thank you, that's a better idea.
I spent a bit more time looking into what I want to do, and realising I could have given a better example etc. last night. So I can do a better job of this on Github. As I say above this is very low-pri, nice-to-have for me. But still, it would be nice to be able to do some math on the values you want to display via M117.