M104.1 for tool changing Klipper machine
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M104.1 for tool changing Klipper machine  

M104.1 for tool changing Klipper machine

I have a klipper based tool changing printer that I'm trying to use with prusa slicer. I started with a prusa XL profile that I've modified to work for my printer and it's mostly working except it keeps throwing M104.1 commands that klipper doesn't recognize. It appears prusa is using a subcode of the M104 to gradually heat up the next tool to reduce heating time at tool changes. I'm assuming this is used when ooze prevention is enabled, but I have not tried slicing without it to verify (yes I know it doesn't take much to test that...).

So I've searched all over the internet for quite a bit of time but I've found nothing about prusa's use of it. If it were just a regular subcode of the M104, it would be fairly simple to understand but there is a "P" parameter that is used that is not standard. The countdown of it as the current tool winds down (see example code excerpt below) and the fact that "P" parameters are usually time suggest that it's trying to gradually ramp up the temperature. Example syntax so you don't have to scan the code to find it: M104.1 T1 P85 S200

Is anyone familiar with this?

  1. Is there a setting in PS that would use something klipper compatible? I'm already using klipper as the g-code flavor
  2. If not, please help me understand what's going on with this command and how the "P" parameter affects it so I can create a macro to handle it


G1 F1500
G3 X221.174 Y114.881 I-4.676 J-4.931 E.97476
G1 X221.832 Y114.83 E.02508
G3 X226.746 Y126.512 I.195 J6.792 E.62055
M204 S1250
G1 X226.746 Y126.512 F24000
G1 X227.07 Y126.848
M204 S600
G1 F1500
;see here\/ \/
M104.1 T1 P85 S200
G3 X221.816 Y114.373 I-5.029 J-5.226 E1.06853
G1 X222.375 Y114.377 E.02125
G3 X227.113 Y126.806 I-.334 J7.245 E.6398
M204 S1250
G1 X227.113 Y126.806 F24000
G1 X227.427 Y127.127
M204 S600
G1 F1500
G3 X221.069 Y113.972 I-5.398 J-5.505 E1.11113
G1 X221.801 Y113.916 E.0279
G3 X227.47 Y127.084 I.228 J7.706 E.6996
M204 S1250
G1 X227.47 Y127.084 F24000
G1 X227.796 Y127.413
M204 S600
G1 F1500
G3 X221.785 Y113.459 I-5.759 J-5.791 E1.20848
G1 X222.413 Y113.463 E.02387
G3 X227.839 Y127.37 I-.376 J8.159 E.71568
M204 S1250
G1 X227.839 Y127.37 F24000
G1 X228.16 Y127.689
M204 S600
G1 F1500
G3 X220.964 Y113.064 I-6.129 J-6.067 E1.24821
G1 X221.769 Y113.001 E.03069
G3 X228.202 Y127.646 I.262 J8.621 E.77834
M204 S1250
G1 X228.202 Y127.646 F24000
G1 X228.531 Y127.967
M204 S600
G1 F1500
G3 X221.753 Y112.544 I-6.497 J-6.346 E1.34879
G1 X222.452 Y112.549 E.02657
G3 X228.573 Y127.924 I-.418 J9.072 E.79108
M204 S1250
G1 X228.573 Y127.924 F24000
G1 X228.902 Y128.241
M204 S600
G1 F1500
G3 X220.859 Y112.155 I-6.869 J-6.62 E1.38559
G1 X221.737 Y112.087 E.03347
;see here\/ \/
M104.1 T1 P73 S200
G3 X228.943 Y128.197 I.296 J9.534 E.85646
M204 S1250
G1 X228.943 Y128.197 F24000
G1 X229.273 Y128.511
Publié : 31/05/2024 9:45 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: M104.1 for tool changing Klipper machine

Probably better off asking on the PS github https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues   

Publié : 31/05/2024 10:50 pm
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