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Lost configurations  

Active Member
Lost configurations

I've had this MK3.5 for a few years and love it. I upgraded the Slicer to 2.5 and it didn't save my years of configurations for parts, filaments and printer settings, etc. Are these lost or are they somewhere on this computer? Also, yesterday, I loaded a Prusa configuration for light weight PLA from 3DPLANEPRINT and it wiped out all of the other configurations I had rebuilt from the Slicer upgrade. Is this normal for Slicer to delete everything when adding a single configuration?

Veröffentlicht : 27/10/2022 3:47 am
Active Member
RE: Lost configurations


I don't know but I think that you may have imported it as a config bundle and not a config?

You can try to restore an earlier snapshot of what you had by looking in here on you PC. (Substitute the <your user name> tag with your own login name!):-

C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\PrusaSlicer\snapshots 

Veröffentlicht : 31/10/2022 1:20 pm