Looking for MK4 Input Shaper "Quality" Profiles
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Looking for MK4 Input Shaper "Quality" Profiles  

Looking for MK4 Input Shaper "Quality" Profiles

Hi, does anyone have "quality" -equivalent profiles for input shaper? I know that the provided "structural" profiles should lean toward valuing quality instead of speed, but there are cases where the quality is worse than the non-input shaper profiles. I know that I can just use the non-input shaper version, but this means that I have to have one more physical printer configured, and I already have 3 because of the different nozzle sizes...

Opublikowany : 19/11/2023 4:52 pm
Famed Member
RE: Looking for MK4 Input Shaper "Quality" Profiles

I've been everything but impressed with the input shaper profiles. Some of my models are okay with it but in most cases I see much better results using the non-input shaper profiles. Yes, one more physical printer, but worth it, IMHO.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 19/11/2023 6:08 pm