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Keyboard arrow movement of objects on platter
In Prusaslicer I am no longer able to move objects on the platter using the arrow keys. I can still move them with the mouse but the arrow keys aren't working and I can't figure out how to get them to work again.
Napsal : 10/05/2020 10:29 pm
RE: Keyboard arrow movement of objects on platter
Just tried it in PS 2.2.0 on Linux and the arrow keys "kind of" works. I looks like the right "Object manipulation" panel gets focus and steals the arrow keys. It could be the same problem you see. I normally uses the mouse for movements, so haven't noticed it before now.
Maybe this should be reported as an issue at GitHub.
Have a look at my models on 😉
Napsal : 10/05/2020 11:53 pm