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Issues With 'Gap Fill'  

New Member
Issues With 'Gap Fill'

Hello, I am new to Prusa Slicer but having some issues with gaps in my prints.


I would like all the gaps filled but cannot seem to get the settings right. 

No matter what perimeter width I pick, there's always gaps as I assume the gap is too thin for a perimeter but too thick for a gap fill.


Does anyone have any experience or ideas how I can just get all gaps filled no matter what? I have attached a picture as an example of the issues I am having.



Veröffentlicht : 10/04/2021 3:39 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issues With 'Gap Fill'

Veröffentlicht : 10/04/2021 3:40 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Issues With 'Gap Fill'

I presume this is some sort of text embossing?  It's too small and the fount is not designed for 3d printing.

You have sections with variable width but the width is not a multiple of the extrusion width.  If you increased the scale there would be room to fit filler between the primeters


If you redesigned the fount to have fixed width lines it would be possible to print about this size without gaps.

You have to work backwards from your finest printable line - in this case it's your extrusion width.  The next size up is double this, the next three times and so on.


Veröffentlicht : 10/04/2021 7:09 pm