Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?
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Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?  

Honorable Member
Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?

I believe that PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 will have the Ironing feature and this is the first new feature I have looked forwards to trying.

The Alpha version is out, but I don't think there is a binary verison of it.. But I am sure there is an official "fork" version which has this functionality.

Does anyone know of a version which has Ironing that I could try.. As I am really looking forwards to seeing how well it works and want to try it out.

Postato : 03/07/2020 3:11 pm
Famed Member
RE: Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?

Don't quote me, but I think it's in one of the later generic Slic3r versions and implemented in one of the Real Soon Now versions of Prusaslicer.

Maybe someone who has compiled the development version might be persuaded to share the binary.

One of my back burner projects is to resolve the dependencies and get one of my Linux machines to be able to compile things like Prusaslicer and the firmware, but I just have not had the time to do it.

Postato : 03/07/2020 3:17 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?

Cheers.. I can wait but I have been hoping for a BETA for so long, I just wonder if I can get an early version just to try. I can't wait to see how the ironing looks, as the concept it awesome and I can see myself using it by default and I just want to see if its as good as I hope....

Postato : 03/07/2020 3:43 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?

There are at least 2 forks I've seen mentioned that have implemented some form of ironing with PrusaSlicer. I'm more excited about what Team Prusa is doing with their release. There's a nice summary in the recent Prusa Live video. They're going well beyond simply ironing and adding in some infill features that will help considerably with smoothing top surfaces.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 03/07/2020 4:53 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?

Super Slicer (formerly Slic3r++) already has ironing implemented, and a lot more settings too.  
I’ve also been using the pre alpha of Prusa Slicer and that has ironing in but the ‘monotonous’ infill actually works better in a lot of cases.  The new support placement is also great. 
Not sure which of them is currently my favourite, however when PS 2.3.0 is released then I expect the next Super Slicer release will be built on that so best of both worlds 🙂

One thing to be aware of with the pre alpha (at least the version I have) is that a project saved in 2.3.0 doesn’t open in 2.2.0. I’m sure that will be fixed at some point though. 

Postato : 03/07/2020 6:50 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is there a "fork" of Slic3r which has the "ironing" feature?

I had a quick play with SuperSlicer today.. At first I couldn't work out how to turn "ironing" on but then realised it was on by default.

And I have to say that its AMAZING.. An absolute game changer.. The top surface in my test is better than the bottom.. It not only smooth, there is no evedence of any print lines.. it just looks like an injection moulded part.

My problem with SuperSlicer is that it has so many new features.. And generally I don't like to tweek any more as I have settings dialled in that work.. So I think I am just going to wait for the official PrusaSlicer release.

I can't wait to have this by default on all my prints to totally flatten off the top layer.

Postato : 04/07/2020 6:18 pm