Is it possible to export STL of a model after modifier effect?
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Is it possible to export STL of a model after modifier effect?  

Eminent Member
Is it possible to export STL of a model after modifier effect?

Is it possible to add a negative modifier in Prusa slicer, and export the model after the effect of the modifier?

For example, if I use a negative box modifier to cut the top third of a design, can I export the remaining two thirds of the design as STL?

Napsal : 10/06/2024 5:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Is it possible to export STL of a model after modifier effect?

In theory yes.  In practice not very often. The negative modifier only works on extremely simple geometry. Generally when you export the modifier is exported as a different volume.

You need to use a proper CAD tool to do a Boolean subtraction with any reasonable chance of success.

However if all you are doing is removing the top then why are you even using a modifier ?  Use the cut tool, that is what it is for.  Then export that.  

Napsal : 10/06/2024 6:21 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is it possible to export STL of a model after modifier effect?


Posted by: @neophyl

In theory yes.  In practice not very often. The negative modifier only works on extremely simple geometry. Generally when you export the modifier is exported as a different volume.

You need to use a proper CAD tool to do a Boolean subtraction with any reasonable chance of success.

However if all you are doing is removing the top then why are you even using a modifier ?  Use the cut tool, that is what it is for.  Then export that.  

I should have told the whole story:

The target is to take two STLs, cut out a part of each, and merge the left parts into one STL.

At first I used the cut tool, yet when I tried to move one part up, it always snapped back to the bed. I couldn't merge it on top of the other part.

Then I tried with negative modifiers for both - the slicer wouldn't let me place one of top of the other, so I assumed the modifier is causing the problem, because it is always there.

Exporting each half as an STL did not work for me.


At first I used the cut tool, and deleted the non needed part.

Napsal : 10/06/2024 6:46 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Is it possible to export STL of a model after modifier effect?

The problem you are having has zero to do with the use of modifiers.  You are running into the difference between Objects and Parts.  ALL Objects must have some part touching the build plater (or a raft on the platter).  Its why you cant suspend an Object in mid air, PS doesn't allow that.  Parts however can be placed however you want as long as some part of the total Object obeys the first rule.

So Once you have your 2 objects cut how you want them you can then use Merge (right click option).  Once merged you will have a single Object made up of 2 parts.  You can then move one part on top of another without issue.  To select a Part you have to use the tree list on the right, you cant select them on the platter with the usual mouse click.

Napsal : 10/06/2024 7:03 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Is it possible to export STL of a model after modifier effect?

As @neophyl said: Possible but only for the most simple things. 
I found however a way to do all cuttings etceterea with the Prusaslicer: (it is probably easier with other apps, like blender, etc). 
- Import what you want to change into Prusaslicer. 
- Create a second object, let's call it VOID or NEGPART. Build with positive objects what you want to cut away. 
NB: To place stuff above plate, create a small/tiny object as "placemat" somewhere to the side of the plate far away from your object, merge the object you need into that object. Now you can move it around without falling down. 
When ready export this positive VOID/NEGPART as an stl (this will always work). 
NB NB Save all as Project, so you can always return to this spot, to make changes!

- Now delete the VOID/NEGPart, (so you are back to your original)
- Add negative part, go to gallery, import the VOID/Negpart, and select this as negative part ( 🙂 )
- Adjust placement
- Slice

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Napsal : 11/06/2024 6:04 am