Infill lines wider/more squished than perimeter lines
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Infill lines wider/more squished than perimeter lines  

Infill lines wider/more squished than perimeter lines

Prusaslicer 2.8.1, BLV corexy printer

I'm printing a simple one-layer test print, an X at 45 degrees.  That lets the printer print the infill as continous lines along one leg. I'm seeing the infill lines apparently spread out more than the perimeter lines, and when the printer prints the first and last infill line, it will overlap and make a bulge. I hope the attached pictures makes more sense than the words

The nozzle is 0.4mm, first layer is set to 0.35mm. Perimeter speed is set to 100mm/s, infill is 125 mm/s

A single perimeter line measures 0.3 mm in height and 0.66 mm in width. The three perimeter lines ends up measuring 1.95mm. Is that correct?

I am a newbie, please give me some pointers as to what I'm seeing here..

Thanks Kent


Two infill lines left to go





Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2024 1:41 am
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Infill lines wider/more squished than perimeter lines

One additional setting, the extrusion width is set to the default 200% for "first layer", all the other ones, like Perimeters and Infill are set to zero

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2024 1:56 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Infill lines wider/more squished than perimeter lines

You do realise that when set to a percentage that extrusion width is computed over the layer height and NOT your nozzle width ?

So if your first layer is set to 0.35mm height and your first layer extrusion width is set to 200% then you are printing 0.7mm wide lines from your 0.4mm nozzle.

Its important to read the tooltips.

btw if you want people to actually have useful information about your settings and problem then save a prusa slicer project file (File>Save Project as).  That will save a 3mf file.  The 3mf is a snapshot of everything, so your models, all 3 profiles, any modifiers, start and end gcode etc.  It allows people to slice and look at the preview options.  Its the best way to debug issues.  To attach to a post here though you must Zip the file up or the forum will just ignore it silently.

Perimeters, well all extrusion is designed to overlap slightly.  Having 3x 0.4mm walls does not get you a 1.2mm wall.  As filament is extruded it has a round cross section, which when squished to the layer below (or the bed) makes it oval.  The slicer is designed to overlap extrusions so they stick together.  Theres math on the original slicer github site that explains it if you are inclined that way   

There are also settings for Perimeter/Infill overlap.  That setting is a Red/Expert one and is generally also a percentage.  Which is based on extrusion width, so a 10% overlap with a 0.4mm extrusion would make the infill 0.04mm into the perimeters, however the same with your 0.7mm extrusion is going to overlap 0.07mm.  Often that setting is 25% on some profiles.  Again another reason to include a project so all settings can be examined.

From your pics it looks like you could also be over extruding. Have you done the usual printer and filament calibration prints ?  (use Classic not Arachne when printing calibration prints).  Without a properly calibrated setup then there's little point in tweaking other print settings.  Need a firm foundation to start with.

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2024 3:37 pm