Infill 15% slices fine, change infill to 60% Prusaslicer dies a slow death....
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Infill 15% slices fine, change infill to 60% Prusaslicer dies a slow death....  

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Infill 15% slices fine, change infill to 60% Prusaslicer dies a slow death....

Having Problems with PrusaSlicer.  (File attached), on two different systems I can slice successfully at 15% infill, but if I increase infill from 15% to 60%, PrusaSlicer bogs down, then goes permanently non-responsive upon attempting to slice.

Using 2.3.2 -- Any Suggestions?

Tray of SmallHandle3

This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Hildow
Posted : 01/09/2021 1:20 pm