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Importing Imperial files into Slicer
When importing a file created in Imperial units, does Slicer make a units conversion into metric or does slicer actually work in Imperial units? Just wondering if there could be rounding errors in the conversion.
Postato : 05/09/2022 3:57 pm
RE: Importing Imperial files into Slicer
Internally it’s all metric. Given that there’s only a certain number of decimals for precision then I would think that it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility for their to be rounding issues.
Postato : 05/09/2022 4:06 pm
RE: Importing Imperial files into Slicer
I've had files which I've downloaded from some of the 'usual suspect' 3d print sites load into PS and appear either obnoxiously large or very tiny, apparently drafted in weird scales.
With PS it's very easy to scale such a print, even if it's far too large and turns blue upon import.
Postato : 05/09/2022 9:54 pm