I have a custom printer. He gave me a S3D profile. I want to use PrusaSlicer.
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I have a custom printer. He gave me a S3D profile. I want to use PrusaSlicer.  

Eric L
New Member
I have a custom printer. He gave me a S3D profile. I want to use PrusaSlicer.

Hey, all. As the title states, I have a custom printer that a friend of mine made me. He is a Simplify3D user and is interested in learning PrusaSlicer but he's awful with computers. I got started on S3D because of him but I recently switched to PrusaSlicer and I LOVE it. I got a profile for my Ender3 online and that's what I've been using. Here is my question. He gave me a profile on S3D for the custom printer he made and the profile is excellent. Is there a way to take that file and import it into PrusaSlicer? I've kicked around the idea of just matching numbers between the software but it seems like some of the settings don't quite match up. Can anyone give me input on this?

Napsal : 29/09/2020 9:06 am
Illustrious Member
RE: I have a custom printer. He gave me a S3D profile. I want to use PrusaSlicer.

No, there is no way to import between the different slicers. 

You have to do it manually by the matching of settings, which can be difficult as they often have different names and some settings just dont match up at all.

You could always ask about the settings that don't match in the hopes that someone like Bobstro who has both S3D and PS will see it and will know the equivalent.  Unfortunately I don't own S3d so cant help.

Napsal : 29/09/2020 10:52 am