How to not infill the insides of a cylinder...
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How to not infill the insides of a cylinder...  

John Johnson
Active Member
How to not infill the insides of a cylinder...

Ok, lets see if I can accurately describe this, I'm sure it's something simple but here we go...

In Fusion, I've created a 20mm tall cylinder.  From the top side, I holed out 5mm and the bottom side, I holed out 10mm.  So, there's a wall almost midway inside the cylinder.  This is a screw on cap so it's cosmetic.  PrusaSlicer uses that internal wall face as infill and it looks horrible. 

How can I have PrusaSlicer treat that internal cylinder "wall" as a typical face and not infill?  This of this as a tumbler cap that screws onto the tumbler with the bottom threads, and the top is "indented" a few mm's so liquid doesn't spill out...

Does this make sense?  Thanks in advance for your help!

Bonus question... I need supports for the "wall", how can I make it so it's not cemented onto the inside of the cylinder?  I'd post my 3mf files but it says I can't.  PrusaSlicer 2.7.2, MK4, PLA

This topic was modified před 1 year by John Johnson
Napsal : 07/03/2024 4:08 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: How to not infill the insides of a cylinder...

You need to ZIP the .3mf file, then attach the Zip File

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 07/03/2024 2:07 pm
John Johnson
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to not infill the insides of a cylinder...

Ugh, I think I knew that...  Attaching it now...

Napsal : 07/03/2024 9:40 pm