How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!
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How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!  

Active Member
How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

This pop up setting, is really annoying & has ruined a few prints, when the Slicer (2.4.2) has accidently applied the settings !! and then the printer just hangs waiting for a filament change, which to me poses a safety risk as all the heaters were left running...... 

Agreed, my bad for miss-clicking, but I'm not interested in this feature, but I can't find a setting to remove it....  

Veröffentlicht : 01/06/2022 2:07 pm
Famed Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

You can disable those suggestions in the preferences menu 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 01/06/2022 2:47 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

where ?   

Veröffentlicht : 01/06/2022 3:02 pm
Famed Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

Unfortunately I have to stand corrected. I was sure it was there but I don't see it either 😞 Sorry. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 01/06/2022 3:13 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

I suppose I'll have to raise a BUG report on GitHub....

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2022 3:38 pm
Famed Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

Post the GitHub ticket number here, I'd like to support it. But also check first that it hasn't been raised before. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 02/06/2022 3:40 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

As requested :


Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2022 9:10 am
Famed Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

Thanks for sharing. I just added my voice of support.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2022 10:31 am
Noble Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

Not being sarcastic but is it really such a big deal to click on a button?

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2022 12:28 pm
Honorable Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

Shouldn´t come as a surprise, as the slicer output will indicate two different print times, but I added my support to Github, too.

I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2022 1:14 pm
Noble Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

Maybe it's just me, but I would love to see all the little warning and popups,,.. oh and for gods sake the "detect bridging perimeters" warnings and reminders go away.

You would think when you click on Expert mode you would no longer need or have to see them. Maybe we need a Guru mode, or at the very least a Tick box in preferences that allows all these to be turned off.





The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2022 3:20 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

As I said, mis-clicking activates the option, and if not careful, then when printing will pause a print, while waiting for a filament change, but if nobody is around, to effect the change, the printer sits waiting, with all heaters running, until updates are made !!   If printing with ABS where the bed is at 100*C & extruder @ 255*C this poses a severe safety hazard..... 

Veröffentlicht : 03/06/2022 3:34 pm
Noble Member



So don't miss click, I'm not trying to be mean or malicious to you in any way, there are a hundred things you could click that could screw up your prints and cause problems. It's your responsibility to make sure your doing the right thing, this is not a hobby for those that cant focus on details, and it damn sure isn't that way for professionals. You need to learn many things to succeed at this. If you thought you were going to push a button and get a print, welcome to the real world.


BTW this isn't a bug it's what Prusa considers a feature, hence my previous post.


Focus and good luck.





Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 3 years von Swiss_Cheese

The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 04/06/2022 2:06 am
Noble Member
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

Maybe we need a Guru mode

I think you have something here, wouldn't use it myself but it certainly fills a need.

Veröffentlicht : 04/06/2022 11:02 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: How to disable / remove "Sliced Object "*" looks like a logo or a sign !!

I believe the extruder times out and cools if not addressed in a timely manner, 
then when you do address the filament change, the printer reheats the nozzle then continues

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 04/06/2022 1:35 pm