How to define multiple height range modifiers?
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How to define multiple height range modifiers?  

Estimable Member
How to define multiple height range modifiers?

I have a print where I want most of the layers printed with 15% infill, but I want small sections at the top and bottom printed with 100% infill.  I have used the 'Height Range Modifier' successfully before, but only one per print.  So, I defined a height modifier for the bottom portion and set the infill to 100%, but when I tried to define the second modifier for the top portion, it overwrote the first one. It appears that I can't define more than one height modifier per print - but other posts seem to indicate that multiple modifiers can be defined - what am I doing wrong?

PS2.4.2, Win 10 64-bit, Dell XPS15, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD




Napsal : 26/08/2022 11:49 pm
fredric100 se líbí
Estimable Member
RE: How to define multiple height range modifiers?

Post a zipped up project file and I'll  show you how.

Napsal : 27/08/2022 1:27 am
Famed Member
RE: How to define multiple height range modifiers?

Add one height range modifier. Click on "Layers" in the parts list. Now you see a plus and a minus sign next to the first height range modifier. Click on plus to add another one. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 27/08/2022 1:35 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to define multiple height range modifiers?

Thanks! with your help I was able to figure it out - although it wasn't obvious where the '+' button was.  For others who may have had the same problem, when I clicked on 'layers' in the parts list (on the right hand portion of the 'Plater' view), a list of height ranges appeared in the 'Height ranges' data box below the parts list.  For each defined height range there are three data entry fields (start/stop/layer height) followed by a '-' and  a '+' button.  At first I thought these buttons were another way of adjusting the height range (sort of like the '+' and '-' buttons on a microwave).  However, after fuchsr's kind hint, I moused over them and 'lo and behold!' the flyover text made it clear they were for adding and deleting height ranges - yay!

imho, this is a BAD GUI trick, and whoever thought this one up should go back and read "About Face' by Alan Cooper.  Defining additional height ranges should be done in EXACTLY the same way as defining the first one - by right-clicking on the part in the 'plater' view and selecting 'Height range Modifier'.  The software should take care of the details - not force the user to hunt around for unlabeled buttons on the same horizontal line with data entry fields.  This, btw is also BAD GUI, as buttons on the same horizontal line with data entry fields should NEVER do anything except modify the data in those fields.  The '-' and '+' buttons here do something entirely different.  If you are going to have unlabeled buttons for this purpose, they should be on the same line as the 'Layers' icon in the parts list. Then the user might have at least a clue that the button actions would be related to the layer definitions.



Napsal : 27/08/2022 2:08 am
fredric100 se líbí
Estimable Member
RE: How to define multiple height range modifiers?



I'm sorry this has happened to you, you and those in the past, there are certain members of the community that are aware of this and quite a few aspects of prusaslicer , well beyond the issues you mention.The lack of education is not even covered in the paid for prusa fully assembled version. It would be best if you move past this forum as you will not find the help you need here. You will find the information you need outside of these forums and any Prusa controlled Reddit or Facebook.


Good Luck to you share your knowledge outside of these controlled places, so others can benefit from it. prusa makes a fine machine but they aim to control the information around it, I've been watching this for years.

Napsal : 27/08/2022 4:06 am
New Member

THANK YOU! I spent 30 mins. searching for the "+" and "=" icons! I could NOT locate them, until you described their precise position!

I agree 100% with your analysis of the UI flaw, and the fix you recommend.

This post was modified před 2 years by fredric100
Napsal : 13/04/2023 3:19 am