How do I export a slice file without adding supports to it?
I've recently started printing with an SL1S, I've worked out the kinks and I am getting successful prints. I created a print with a dozen objects on it that I fine tuned the supports for and I didn't want to have to do that all over again if I wanted to adjust them so I created a .STL file of all the objects with their supports.
I am now trying to make adjustments and PrusaSlicer is automatically wanting to raise the objects off the print bed and add supports to connect to the existing supports, which should be unnecessary. One of the test print files that came with the SL1S is an "army" of little figures that are all printed flat on the print bed with no supports, so I feel like it should be possible to tell PrusaSlicer I want this object printed flat on the print bed, I just don't know how to do so.