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Height modifier won't change layer height of adaptive
I ran an adaptive over my entite print, but would like a section in the middle to be 0.20mm later height. It seems a height modifier will not affect the layer height of the adaptive. Is this by design?
Opublikowany : 25/05/2023 4:49 pm
RE: Height modifier won't change layer height of adaptive
Its precedence. You have layer height settings from either the profile default or a layer height modifier. The modifier will 'over ride' the profile. But variable layer height over rides them both. They arent realistically combinable on the same object. You will have to use a succession of layer height modifiers.
Opublikowany : 25/05/2023 4:54 pm
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RE: Height modifier won't change layer height of adaptive
Thanks....ill do it manually as you suggested.
Opublikowany : 25/05/2023 6:12 pm