"Ghost" color inside model when painted using multimaterial painting
I've painted a model ( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5155511/files) using the multimaterial painting option in PrusaSlicer 2.8. On some layers the slicer adds some "ghost" color inside the model:
The model is painted as shown below.
There is no gray on the outside of the model on the layers where the slicer add some gray inside the model. It's not a big deal but it result in some unnecessary changes which take time a filament for the purge tower.
Any tips how I can avoid this?
Print Settings > Multiple Extruders > Infill extruder and Solid infill extruder
Allows you to set the infill to match one of your other filaments.
RE: "Ghost" color inside model when painted using multimaterial painting
Thanks for the tip!
I've wiggled with the settings you mentioned but it doesn't change anything.
OK, if you are painting complex shapes then the strange cones of colour may not be able to run the full distance and lengths of default filament perimeter can be stranded - make sure you have set all extruders and not left anything on default.
Painting is very much a tool of last resort, try to set up all your filaments in the original CAD if possible.