Generating Delamination Layer For Stacked Printing
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Generating Delamination Layer For Stacked Printing  

New Member
Generating Delamination Layer For Stacked Printing

Is there a easy method of generating a delamination layer using PrusaSlicer? What a delamination layer is is when a part is stacked, you would want easy removal between parts so a delamination layer is inserted by forcing the print temperature into a region where print delaminates. Ideally the slicer should know how long it takes to change to a certain temperature so that it can accommodate for that delay by printing infill or being idle.

Delamination layer

Postato : 10/04/2020 2:44 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Generating Delamination Layer For Stacked Printing

I've experimented with PETG and it shows promising results that we can reliably get stacked prints that can be split apart easily by hand.

Left print shows the bottom of visor 2 and the one next to it is the top of visor 1. The surface finish is quite good with minimal drooping of layers as the layer was fully supported with no separation distance between each band. This is only one test print but it could be possible to repeatably create stack prints that are easy to remove using this method. This method does vary from printer to printer and material to material so do be aware. If the temperature difference between normal printing temperature and delamination temperature is too great, you may need to make some compromises on certain layers so that the hotend can reach the target temperature quickly. 

It would be great if PrusaSlicer had the option to insert delamination layers without having to manually edit g-code

Postato : 10/04/2020 5:42 pm