First layer solid infill pattern and horizontal shell solid infill pattern differ
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First layer solid infill pattern and horizontal shell solid infill pattern differ  

Keaton Sadoski
First layer solid infill pattern and horizontal shell solid infill pattern differ


 I am printing a part that has relatively small areas in the first few layers, and I am encountering some issues with the path the slicer generates for the horizontal shell solid infill. It appears to be using the concentric pattern (though I'm not 100% on that), but I would like it to use the same pattern as the first layer (monotonic). Changing the first layer pattern and infill pattern seem to have no effect on the horizontal shell solid infill pattern. Is this a configurable parameter?

First Layer with monotonic solid infill pattern

Second layer with concentric(?) solid infill pattern

Publié : 07/06/2024 8:12 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: First layer solid infill pattern and horizontal shell solid infill pattern differ

No it is not a configurable parameter.  The top and bottom patterns you can select only apply to the actual single top or bottom layers.  Other than that it uses a alternating rectilinear infill pattern on the other top and bottom layers.  Well it used to. 

A few versions ago they 'optimised' the rectilinear infill on those other layers to reduce shaking of the printer etc with very short zigzag moves (such as you would get here).  Now it uses a mixture and there's no controlling it.  It can mix rectilinear for larger areas with a pseudo concentric type movement for the smaller ones.

You could try setting multiple height range modifiers of 1 layer height stacked on each other with a setting for 1 bottom layer to force it to be multiple bottom layers, might work , haven't tried it.  Be a pain in the rear to set up too.

Publié : 07/06/2024 8:47 pm
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