filament file in appdata folder not showing in filament profile list
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filament file in appdata folder not showing in filament profile list  

Trusted Member
filament file in appdata folder not showing in filament profile list

Maybe I misunderstand how config files in appdata are supposed to work but I have a problem.  I restored my appdata folder such that old filament files are available with the other ones.  But they don't show up as filament choices in plater mode.  I tried the add/remove to chose one in the filament profile list but they don't appear in the list.  I tried restarting the slicer app with no luck.  How do I restore old filament files?

I have screenshots showing the file in the windows file explorer and the filament profile list.  Unfortunately I can't get the images to appear here.  I tried using the image button above and the Attach File button below.  The imgbb links are and   Neither worked.  Is there some undocumented magic I have to do like zipping a 3mf file?

Opublikowany : 12/12/2021 7:22 pm
Noble Member
RE: filament file in appdata folder not showing in filament profile list

Have you tried the Button? when you open this you should be able to drag and drop the images you want to display, once they upload to the file sever, you will be able to select them.

Then press the

Button to post them directly into your posts and they will be visible.

each image you upload will by default be checked/ selected to be inserted, so if you uploaded 5 images and only want to use one right now you will want to uncheck them. Conversely if you want to post more images from your added media you will want to hold down the Ctrl or command Key to select multiple.


Hope this helps.





The Filament Whisperer

Opublikowany : 12/12/2021 8:37 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: filament file in appdata folder not showing in filament profile list

Thanks, but can anyone help with my config file problem?

Opublikowany : 17/12/2021 11:09 pm