Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?
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Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?  

Estimable Member
Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?

I really like the ironing feature Cura added to their slicer and it turns out you can do the same thing with PrusaSlicer using modifiers.  However, I really like the textured build plate on the bottom and I was wondering if there was merit to the idea of imitating that surface on top.  Would work like ironing except modulating the Z a bit to create a rough, pseudo random effect.  Perhaps someone smarter than me could come up with a cool fractal algorithm that imitates it.

Best Answer by JoanTabb:

Try Hilbert curve for the top layer, some say the results look a little like the textured plate finish



Napsal : 06/08/2019 3:40 pm
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?

What's the modifier setup for ironing? I know it can be done with e.g. a fork like SuperMerill's, but haven't bothered to try with native PS.

As for the effect; I'd wager you might get better results finding some way to heat the part to soften the top and then just squishing it onto the plate to get the texture... Or heat the sheet with something instead to deform the part less.

Napsal : 06/08/2019 3:47 pm
TickTock se líbí
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?

KISSlicer, for one, includes a feature that lets you map a bumpmap image to surface texture. Dark spots in the image are lower than high, and these are mapped to variations in the surface on slicing. It can definitely be done. It would be most helpful if there were some way to control exactly which surfaces get textured as there may be internal surfaces that you don't want it.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 06/08/2019 3:52 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?
Posted by: vintagepc

What's the modifier setup for ironing? I know it can be done with e.g. a fork like SuperMerill's, but haven't bothered to try with native PS.

Coming clean: I have not actually tried it myself in PrusaSlicer - I *have* used it in Cura and it works pretty well.  I read elsewhere, however, that the procedure in PS is to define a very thin region at the top and set the extrusion to zero or near zero.  Seems legit.

Napsal : 06/08/2019 7:44 pm
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?
Posted by: TickTock
Posted by: vintagepc

What's the modifier setup for ironing? I know it can be done with e.g. a fork like SuperMerill's, but haven't bothered to try with native PS.

Coming clean: I have not actually tried it myself in PrusaSlicer - I *have* used it in Cura and it works pretty well.  I read elsewhere, however, that the procedure in PS is to define a very thin region at the top and set the extrusion to zero or near zero.  Seems legit.

I've tried before with that slicer fork, the gotcha is that it has a severe tendency to cause heat creep jams with PLA and warmer ambient temperatures because your extrusion rate is so low - so I gave up on ironing, at least for now.

Napsal : 06/08/2019 7:56 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?
Posted by: vintagepc

As for the effect; I'd wager you might get better results finding some way to heat the part to soften the top and then just squishing it onto the plate to get the texture... Or heat the sheet with something instead to deform the part less.

Heh.  Might be something here.  I tested some keychains using my wife's iron (Shhhhhh.) on the linen setting and applying a lot of force (I'm guess about 30psi).  20 seconds wasn't long enough (lower left) - only part got the transfer.  45 seconds (lower right) had better coverage but squished the features.  I also ended up with significant elephants foot.  Top part is showing the texture on the bottom from the print for comparison.  I bet with better control of the force and maybe higher temp for shorter time this could work quite well.

Attachment removed
Napsal : 11/08/2019 1:31 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?

edit time expired...

No idea why it is squished..

Napsal : 11/08/2019 1:38 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?

Try Hilbert curve for the top layer, some say the results look a little like the textured plate finish



I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 11/08/2019 10:35 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature Request: Top Layer Texturing?
Posted by: joan.t

Try Hilbert curve for the top layer, some say the results look a little like the textured plate finish



Thanks!  That does make a nice textured finish.  Doesn't quite match the build plate but it is surprisingly close.

Napsal : 13/08/2019 2:52 am