Feature request: skip short perimeters
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Feature request: skip short perimeters  

Riccardo Majewski
New Member
Feature request: skip short perimeters

Hi all.

In the picture you can see a 1mm wide wall, where I designed one side with a "wavy" surface.
The problem is the internal perimeter (yellow) is found in very tiny and small gaps, and I've found no way to remove those.

This results in lots and lots of small and useless "spits" of material and a lot of movements by the extruder, inflating the work time by a lot.

Do you know some solution to avoid this?

I tried to make only 1 perimeter, but then some other parts of my model get uglier.

A control like: "minimum internal perimeter threshold: 1 mm " would be fantastic!

Thanks everyone.

Postato : 29/03/2023 12:13 pm
Reputable Member

Are these walls all at the same height levels, or are there parts of the model that overlap them?

If the former, you could use height range modifiers to change number of perimeters at different heights.

Postato : 01/04/2023 4:29 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Feature request: skip short perimeters

Addendum: I finished reading my own link. Modifier meshes are not limited to layers. They are meshes, i.e. invisible models. Overlap with parts and change aspects of your model in only those locations. 

Postato : 01/04/2023 4:51 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Feature request: skip short perimeters

Also have you tried Print Settings > Layers and Perimeters > Fill Gaps and making sure that's off?

Postato : 03/04/2023 2:04 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature request: skip short perimeters

Thats not gapfill as the legend would be white.  Its internal perimeters as the OP says.  There is no setting in PS to not print lines below a certain length.  (there is is Super Slicer btw).

As it looks like you are using arachne the only option is to experiment with the arachne settings and try and git it such that it will print a sufficient thick external perimeter in those areas that it doesn't think it needs to do an inner perimeter too.  Which is going to be a bit of trial and error, oh and hoping that the changed settings don't mess up some other area of your print.

Postato : 03/04/2023 2:30 pm
jseyfert3 hanno apprezzato

FWIW, I had a similar issue with corners (like the one pictured below).  Changing the "Perimeter transitioning threshold angle" from 10 to 30 degrees removed this extra perimeter for me.

Questo post è stato modificato 1 month fa 2 tempo da Jason
Postato : 01/02/2025 8:41 pm