Feature request (or how to?) for objects with multiple parts
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Feature request (or how to?) for objects with multiple parts  

Eminent Member
Feature request (or how to?) for objects with multiple parts

I have some objects with multiple parts that I design, and want to print some parts in plate (in their position), while others separately. E.g. a box + seal (printed in place on a multi tool, so that the seal is embedded in the box), and the lid, which should be printed separately (to avoid supports).

If I pick "no" on "import as an object having multiple parts", all the parts get split, and put on the bed, so I have to pick "yes".

What i'd wish is a way to either:

A) Split individual parts out of the object, and have them placed on the bed / automatically repositioned

B) Split all the object into parts, but have them stay in place, and have an easy way to move them individually, as well as having an easy way to move a part so that the most bottom part touches the bed.

Opublikowany : 24/09/2024 6:57 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature request (or how to?) for objects with multiple parts

Hi NoeG.  First of all this is a user to user forum.  Feature requests and bug reports need to be made at the prusa slicer github.

It is however a great place to ask if its possible to do something.  Your option B already exists.   When you load in a multipart stl load it in as one part.  Once on the plater there is a button on the top bar called "Split to Parts".  It is located next to Split to Objects.  Has a "P" on it.  Splitting to parts keeps it as a single object but allows you to manipulate the individual parts and also apply separate modifiers to each part.

You can NOT select them using the mouse on the platter as its still a single object, however you can select the individual parts using the tree list on the right hand side.  Once selected you can move that individual part around however you like using the move tool. Even make it float disconnected in mid air if you want a spaghetti mess 🙂
If you want to place that part to the bed then on the left below the tree list is the part manipulation fields.  Next to the XYZ position coordinates is a small icon.  If you hover over it you will see it says Place to Bed.  That will drop the part down such that its lowest point is on the bed.  Unfortunately the place to face function does not work for individual parts and only objects as a whole.  You can still manually rotate individual parts though if you need to change their orientation.

Opublikowany : 24/09/2024 8:46 am
ssmith polubić
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature request (or how to?) for objects with multiple parts

Thanks for the detailed reply! I remember now the place on face not working (and thanks for the workaround). 
I’ll see on GitHub. Can’t imagine I’m the only one bothered by this…


Opublikowany : 24/09/2024 7:26 pm