Feature Request - Nozzle sizes
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Feature Request - Nozzle sizes  

Active Member
Feature Request - Nozzle sizes

I have a 0.2mm nozzle, but 0.25 is the smallest option specified in the slicer.

Any chance this could be added, or even a discrete value where you can specify your own size, e.g. 0.45, 0.46, 0.47 etc...

Respondido : 01/12/2023 9:24 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature Request - Nozzle sizes

You can configure all this already.  Every single setting is changeable and new profiles can be saved.  Including nozzle sizes and extrusion widths.  Nozzle diameter is a green basic setting so you should be able to see that regardless of the mode you are in.  To see ALL the settings you just need to be in Expert mode.


Check out Bob's notes https://muppetlabs.co/3dprinting_prusaslicer_profiles.html#customizing-nozzle-settings

Ps, this is a user to user forum, the devs rarely pop in here.  If you want to ask for a feature or report a bug it has to be done on the prusa slicer github page.  

If you want advice on HOW to do something come to the forum.  If you want to Request something or Report something then use github, there's actually a link inn Prusa Slicer under Help>Report an Issue that will take you to the correct place.

Respondido : 02/12/2023 9:47 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature Request - Nozzle sizes

The Printer firmware only allows you to define a nozzle size in .05 increments woth .25 being the lowest.


Are you suggesting you define the .2 nozzle as .25 and adjust the extrusion widths and flow rates down?

Respondido : 02/12/2023 3:53 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature Request - Nozzle sizes

the printer firmware makes no difference to normal prints. Those types of settings are only used when it comes to things like built in functions such as purging etc. 

Printers are basically dumb, they take all the calculations from the slicer. As long as the slicer is configured correctly it will print correctly 

Respondido : 02/12/2023 9:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature Request - Nozzle sizes

Oh, I just mean it will recognize the gcode mismatch and report the installed nozzle is a different size each time.

Respondido : 02/12/2023 10:15 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature Request - Nozzle sizes

Turn that off in your printer settings if you can.  Its only a cross check to remind you in case you have a different nozzle fitted.  

You could also go into the slicer settings and on your Printer Settings profile under Custom Gcode>Start Gcode (expert level setting so you must be in expert mode to see it) there will be a line such as
"M862.1 P[nozzle_diameter] ; nozzle diameter check "
as an example.  That line fills in the [nozzle diameter] placeholder with whats configured under Extruder 1> Nozzle Diameter, and passes that to the printer firmware.  So if you remove the line or comment it out then the check isn't embedded in that gcode file and your printer firmware wont be able to check.

Alternatively you could set that in there to just be M862.1 P 0.25 ; nozzle diameter check and it would be coded for a 0.25 and the firmware would think anything sliced with that profile was supposed to be for a 0.25 nozzle even if the actual setting and file was sliced for something else.  

Respondido : 03/12/2023 12:13 am