faq? how to tell PrusaSlicer to use two different filaments in a MK3s+
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faq? how to tell PrusaSlicer to use two different filaments in a MK3s+  

Eminent Member
faq? how to tell PrusaSlicer to use two different filaments in a MK3s+

Sorry, this has to be a FAQ, but I can't find any way to find the basic instructions.

I've got a very stock MK3S+ (which supports only one filament)

I'd like to use PVA for support, and PETG for the actual part.
I know that PrusaSlicer can do this. How do I do this?
Got a link to a FAQ answer or some YouTube video?

In this case, I just want to use the PVA support from the printing base up to the part.
Or up to the interface below the part.

But google finds way too many generic discussions of support, slicing etc.

Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2024 2:44 am
Honorable Member
RE: faq? how to tell PrusaSlicer to use two different filaments in a MK3s+

Are you planning to just manually change the filament?

If so do a Google search for virtual extruders on an mk3s. It's fairly easy to setup.

Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2024 3:08 am
PatFarrell gefällt das
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: faq? how to tell PrusaSlicer to use two different filaments in a MK3s+


Posted by: @brian-12

Are you planning to just manually change the filament?

Yes, I would like to print the PVA support first, do a manual filament change to the PET-G and voila,
it should be magic

Is it a virtual extruder on the MK3S+ or some magic in PrusaSlicer?

Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2024 3:11 am
Honorable Member
RE: faq? how to tell PrusaSlicer to use two different filaments in a MK3s+

No there's no magic.  It just allows you to assign different materials to different parts of your print.  Then when a toolchange is triggered it just initiates a filament change. 

Here's some instructions on a multi color print, but doing multi material is no different. 


In a nutshell you go into printer settings and change the number of extruders to however many different materials your going to print.  Then in G-Code under tool change G-Code put M600 which is the filament change command. 

Then in the slicer window you'll now have multiple extruders and you can select which extruder you want for what.  The easiest way to do this is to have separate bodies in your cad file for what you want to be different materials.  This way when you bring it into PS you hit the parts button on the top and it'll separate your STL into separate bodies that you can easily assign an extruder too. 

It's up to you on using a purge tower, but you don't necessarily need it since you can keep manually purging at the filament change until the nozzle is fully purged.  Make sure to follow Joan's advice on the link above when doing the filament change to avoid the blob.  This is not as big of an issue if you use the purge tower. 

Good luck.

Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2024 4:09 am
PatFarrell gefällt das
Illustrious Member

As above - also see:



But if you are including a soluble filament you will need very generous purges (no need for special code, just tell the printer the colour is not yet correct a couple of times) to make sure there is no cross contamination or you may end up with a very fragile print.


Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2024 6:38 am
Brian und PatFarrell gefällt das