Extruder - Relative (M83) vs Absolute (M82) - What's the pro / con?
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Extruder - Relative (M83) vs Absolute (M82) - What's the pro / con?  

Eminent Member
Extruder - Relative (M83) vs Absolute (M82) - What's the pro / con?

I'm curious on the relative benefit / reason for making M83 / Relative the baseline for PrusaSlicer Marlin profiles.

Historically, I've used S3D (5+ years) and for whatever reason, it has (or I've inadvertently configured) M82 / Relative for the extruder.  This has worked very well in concert with some pause / resume scripts in Octoprint and my Creality printers (CR10s PRO and CR6SE).

When I started moving to PrusaSlicer I found that the resume scripts were failing to continue extrusions for a print, and traced it to the fact that the standard PrusaSlicer profiles used relative E distance = TRUE by default.  

I've adjusted my default printer profiles to uncheck that setting and use M82 / Absolute and removed the default "G92 E0" from the layer change script for the profiles in order to get what PrusaSlicer considers a valid profile.

I'm doing test prints now with the Absolute setting but was wondering if the M83 / G90 E0 combo had some significance over just personal preference.  

I saw in the doc that G90 E0 was required to avoid a floating point / rounding issue, but wasn't sure why M83 was a setting in the first place.

Any help or feedback appreciated.



Postato : 22/08/2022 2:17 pm