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Exporting configurations  

Active Member
Exporting configurations

Is there anyway to just export a single printer profile? For example I have 3 different printers and have them all setup. And then I have a friend that has 1 print that is the same as one of my 3 and I want to share my config for that printer with him. How do I do that?

Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 5 years por nickm
Respondido : 18/04/2020 1:01 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Exporting configurations

You can sort of do that.  Although its limited to the current Print Settings, filaments and Printer currently selected.  If you go file>export>export config it will save the 3 currently in use.  You can then take the resulting ini file to your friends computer and import the config in.  They could then just delete the print settings and filament if not needed leaving just the Printer Settings.

You can also use the export config bundle option too which saves all non standard print, filament and printer settings in a bundle for import later.  which is a great way to back up your settings and move them from computer to computer.

Respondido : 18/04/2020 11:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Exporting configurations


Thanks I will give that a try, I did it once before posting this but it looked like it exported everything like the bundle config option.

Respondido : 18/04/2020 11:54 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Exporting configurations

One thing you might not realise is if you save project as .... which saves a .3mf file, as well as saving the model it also saves all the settings used including printer.  So if you open up a project on another machine they can then save any of the 3 print/filament/printer profiles by using the save icons next to them when on their respective tabs.

Respondido : 18/04/2020 12:46 pm
Active Member
RE: Exporting configurations

You can go to "Help" -> "Show Config Folder" -> "printer" -> and copy your printer.ini File.

But you have to "import" the .ini-file the same way, direct into the config folder.

Because over the "File" -> "Import" -> "Import Config" function you get a no "Prusa" default config without a bedshapetextur.

Respondido : 19/04/2020 5:30 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Exporting configurations


Awesome, thanks!

Respondido : 19/04/2020 5:31 am
New Member
RE: Exporting configurations


Is it possible use that config file in other model of printer? I would like to export the configuration to other models...


Thank you.

Respondido : 03/11/2020 3:06 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Exporting configurations

We are discussing profiles within Prusa Slicer, the configurations are purely within that software.  They do not get sent to a printer, they define how the files are sliced for a target printer. 

What exactly are you trying to achieve ?  If you can describe what you want in a clear manner someone may be able to help you. 

Respondido : 03/11/2020 4:51 pm
Eminent Member
confused ...


Posted by: @neophyl

One thing you might not realise is if you save project as .... which saves a .3mf file, as well as saving the model it also saves all the settings used including printer.  So if you open up a project on another machine they can then save any of the 3 print/filament/printer profiles by using the save icons next to them when on their respective tabs.

I was very excited about this feature.  I must be doing something wrong.  I open up a formerly exported .3mf project.  tweek away and Save As a new name for several different Print Settings profiles ...  differnt layer heights and print speeds for example, but if I delete out the PRINTER they seems to be associated with - I lose all the PRINT SETTINGS I just saved as and tweeked for hours.

Is it possible to avoid this ? 

Respondido : 05/09/2021 4:01 am
Illustrious Member
You're not going to like this answer, but it's all about dependencies and compatible printers
Posted by: @sputnikoc3d

I was very excited about this feature.  I must be doing something wrong.  I open up a formerly exported .3mf project.  tweek away and Save As a new name for several different Print Settings profiles ...  differnt layer heights and print speeds for example, but if I delete out the PRINTER they seems to be associated with - I lose all the PRINT SETTINGS I just saved as and tweeked for hours.

All is (hopefully) not lost. You're most likely being bitten by the way PrusaSlicer currently handles dependencies. First thing I would do is export a config bundle. A config bundle will make a backup of all your non-system presets, and hopefully will capture all your custom presets, whether currently visible or not. It might be worth re-loading the 3MF before doing so.

Is it possible to avoid this ? 


  1. Reset your printer to the original and verify your custom presets are still there. 
  2. If that doesn't work, open up the config bundle and search for your presets (by name) and verify they are still there. 

What is probably happening is that you are being bitten (again, I believe) by the way PrusaSlicer handles dependencies. I've tried to document everything I've figured out about the way this works here. Pay careful attention to the green boxes.

With any luck, your custom profiles are still there but have a dependency -- created if you modified a Mk3 system default -- that prevents them from showing up when you've selected a non-system profile. The dependencies are clumsy IMO and based on profile names. What you want to do if you intend to modify a Prusa system profile to use with a non-Prusa printer is first "detach" the profile, which removes the dependency. Then when you save it, it should show up with your other printer selected.

I just noticed that the detach procedure has gotten quirky. This is working for me with PrusaSlicer 2.3.3.

  1. Select the system profile you want to work on.
  2. Select Dependencies.
  3. Open the screen WAY to the right. If you don't see a Detach from system preset button, click the Expert button. (It seems to hide even if I'm already in expert mode.)
  4. Click on the detach button and give the profile a new name. You might as well go ahead and make copies of any you think you'll want to modify in one batch.

This is a case of a great feature poorly implemented. If you'll recall from one of your earlier threads, it's sometimes necessary to edit your config bundle files to restore sanity. See my notes page linked above for details. There are some features under the hood that aren't well exposed in the current PrusaSlicer interface. Hopefully, this will get some attention soon, but it's another case where things work well if you're using a Prusa printer. If the issue doesn't get enough attention over on Prusa's GitHub page, it's unlikely complaints here will result in any changes. Sorry, but that's how it is. It's an open-source development effort and you have to get their attention to get fixes. There may well already be open issues that you can support.

You might end up appreciating the feature when you only want to see presets for your printer when your printer is selected. You can -- with a bit of editing -- create your own dependencies. I do this so my Sidewinder presets only show up when I've selected my Sidewinder printer and my Cadet profiles when I've selected my Cadet. I also use it to limit the presets shown based on the nozzle size I currently have selected. If there were a way to set all this up in the GUI it would be an awesome feature.

You're welcome to look over my config bundles here. Notice that I've created one or more bundles per printer to aid in maintenance, and every bundle starts with a baseline config that all the others in the same bundle inherit from.

  1. Printer bundles specify a printer_model with a short name for each printer (e.g., MK3, SWX1, MPC).
  2. Print and filament settings bundles specify compatible_printers_condition = printer_model=~/<YOURNAME>/ to restrict visibility to only when the desired printer preset is active.

It is very clunky, but it does work. 

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Respondido : 05/09/2021 4:44 am
SputnikOC3D me gusta
Illustrious Member
If your presets are still missing, all is not lost

If you can't find your custom presets in the config bundle file, all is not lost. PrusaSlicer makes LOTS of backups. Let us know what OS you're running and someone will be able to point you to the appropriate disk location.

On MacOS they're under ~/Library/Application Support/PrusaSlicer/print, filament, and printer folders.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Respondido : 05/09/2021 4:55 am
SputnikOC3D me gusta
Eminent Member
Thank You ...

Im ok with the answer 🙂   This one is more user error and lack of knowldge than anything else.  Shocking I know ...

Thanks for your very details and thorough response.

Seems that if I load up a test model ... select the profiles I wish to export ... and Save As Project [ 3mf ] to disk.  Open up other slicer - in this case Super Slicer - PSlic3r's blue headed step child ... and Open Project file from disk ... i get 3 profiles Print Settings | Filament | Printer.

If I then go into the profile of the 3 I actually want - in this case ... Print Settings and Filament or sometimes JUST Print Settings ... if I opt to navigate to the Print Settings |Dependencies section " Detach From System Preset"  **Careful kids this is dangerous voodoo **  I can do that and select ALL checkbox next to Compatible Printers and resave.  Now it seems to be visible and useable to slice for ALL printers presets in the Printer Settings tab - not just the one that was in the imported/opened in the original .3MF file

Respondido : 05/09/2021 5:17 am
Illustrious Member
Lots of one-way functionality to watch out for... but it does work!
Posted by: @sputnikoc3d

[...] Now it seems to be visible and useable to slice for ALL printers presets in the Printer Settings tab - not just the one that was in the imported/opened in the original .3MF file

That is what I'd expect, yes. The 3MF file will be a "snapshot" of everything currently selected. I do not believe that it saves anything else in terms of presets.

Another thing to watch out for is that when you export a config bundle, every non-system preset is saved. I was bitten a few times by assuming that system profiles would be in there. It makes sense I suppose in that system profiles are updated regularly.

This has implications if you want to use inheritance in derivative presets. It's not obvious, but:

  1. You can only inherit from presets in the same config bundle (file).
  2. If you do want to use a system preset as a baseline to inherit from, you need to detach it or copy the settings (sans dependencies) into a new baseline preset.
  3. Inheritance is only applied when a bundle is initially imported. All imported settings are fully expanded in each preset. If you then export another bundle, each preset is self-contained and does not inherit from others. (In other words, importing a bundle is "lossy" in that any inheritance or other links between presets is lost.

There are a lot of one-way features that can be frustrating. That's why I resorted to hand-editing and maintaining my config bundles, and create a separate set for each printer. It's annoying if you like to keep your preset lists concise and tidy.

It's also a little inconsistent I suppose in that a config bundle will not save system presets, but a 3MF will... or at least the deltas from a system preset.

 Given Prusa's history with PrusaSlicer, this won't get much attention for a while. When it does, they'll do a great job of it. They tend to do sprints on expanding specific feature sets, then working the kinks out for a bit.

In the meantime, all we can do is keep notes and provide overly verbose answers. 😀 

Were you able to recover your presets?

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Respondido : 05/09/2021 5:57 am
Illustrious Member
Sometimes the GUI is tedious to work with
Posted by: @sputnikoc3d

[...] I can do that and select ALL checkbox next to Compatible Printers and resave.  

Or you can get tired of twiddling in the GUI like I did and just edit all that nonsense out of every preset, or replace it with your own. You'll notice in my github dump there's a config bundle that contains the Prusa filament presets circa December 2020 with all the dependencies removed.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Respondido : 05/09/2021 6:01 am
Active Member
RE: Exporting configurations

If anyone still wants to export a specific printer profile, you can find the .ini in %appdata%\PrusaSlicer\filament

Just copy paste to the new computer in the same location.

Respondido : 16/09/2022 12:36 am