Empty perimerters
I got a problème after drawing a sort of canopy (for a rc plane ) with sketchup. When I open the stl with PS, it’s looks ok,but after slicing it appears that the top of the canopy cannot be printed?
someone would like to advise me about how to proceed?
PS: I ‘ve asked the same question on a French 3D forum
Please save your project as a .3mf file
Files > Save Project as
Zip the .3mf and post it here. It will contain both your part and your settings for us to diagnose.
RE: Empty perimerters
As Diem says please attach the project, without it we cant really know anything.
However given how that object appears to be created, just from the picture you posted, and where the missing part is, it is likely the model has issues. Does it have a yellow triangle next to it in the object tree list in PS ?
RE: Empty perimerters
here is my zip file
"capot top" ( with the air inlet ) is empty at the bottom only
"capot bas" is empty at both the top and the bottom
thank you for the help
As @neophyl suspected, the model contains multiple errors. There are yellow warning triangles against both parts - actually, all three... If you 'Split to Objects' capot bas breaks into two at one of the missing layers.
Your main issue is that some of the walls have zero, or near zero, thickness; I didn't check which. Either way they are far too thin to print.
Go back to your design software and make the walls at least 1mm thick, 2mm would be better, and the slicer will have something to work with.
RE: Empty perimerters
Ok. Thank you for this advice. I will go back to my sketchup design to ckeck wether I can do the mods.
i will be back later
RE: Empty perimerters
Well that seems to slice correctly and its not showing any errors in PS. 1 thing I would change in your settings though, turn off (untick) Thick Bridges.
ok I will try to find that in french. Bridge means "pont", in "support" menu, line 2 (PRUSA SLICER 2.5)?
RE: Empty perimerters
ok I will try to find that in french. Bridge means "pont", in "support" menu, line 2 (PRUSA SLICER 2.5)?
Just switch PrusaSlicer language to English, find what you are looking for and switch back to French... Save your project before switching language since the app restarts to switch...
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Find out why this is pinned in the general section!
RE: Empty perimerters
Alternatively its in Printer Settings>Layers & perimeters>Quality>Thick Bridges. Even if the language is different the order should help you find it 🙂