Efficient wipe tower: dual extrusion printing
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Efficient wipe tower: dual extrusion printing  

Eminent Member
Efficient wipe tower: dual extrusion printing

Is it possible to determine or calculate the settings for the most efficient wipe tower?

Maybe there is some "sweet spot" setting for the best colour separation and the smallest wipe tower?

I have just finished printing my 1st 2-colour/dual extrusion test cube after battling with some settings. The cube itself is 25x25x25mm. I made the wipe tower 30mm. Is this too big? I have very good colour separation but it seems as if a lot of wasted filament?

I am now considering to reprint but choose "Wipe into object's infill" for "Wipe Options". This will only be my second 2-colour print so please be gentle with your advice by not flaming me for "not knowing". 😅

Publié : 13/12/2020 2:17 pm
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