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Doesn't Look Like Video  

Active Member
Doesn't Look Like Video

Just installed v 2.0 win 64 bit. It doesn't look or respond like the video. I don't have the control boxes at the top or left, no right click functions and no scaling box around object. Also the object disappears when I change filament type. 

Best Answer by Jarda:

Try switch between 3D editor view and Preview mode (press ctrl + 5) or two buttons at lefto down corner.  

Napsal : 06/09/2019 5:55 pm
Active Member
RE: Doesn't Look Like Video

Try switch between 3D editor view and Preview mode (press ctrl + 5) or two buttons at lefto down corner.  

Napsal : 06/09/2019 6:26 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Doesn't Look Like Video

That was it.

Napsal : 06/09/2019 6:47 pm
Jarda se líbí