Does PrusaSlicer have variable support density?
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Does PrusaSlicer have variable support density?  

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Does PrusaSlicer have variable support density?

Is there a way to vary the support density in PrusaSlicer?

Specifically, I would like (as an example) to specify a support density of 3 mm and then, as the printer approaches the point just below the separation layer, I would like to get to 0.5 mm (as an example) or even zero for support spacing. Printing a solid block as a support structure doesn't make much sense and it would be nice if there was a way to get dense support were it is needed (just below the separation layer) and a much less dense support in the structure otherwise.

I am trying to us PETG as a separation layer in a PLA print. The separation layer is specified at 0 (solid separation layer). I am running into an issue where the PETG will not stick to the PLA support structure and I suspect that since PETG doesn't like to stick to PLA, having anything other than a solid layer under the separation layer is causing problems.

Napsal : 07/12/2023 3:00 am