Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?
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Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?  

Kostya Yatsuk
Active Member
Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?

I was trying to do a multi-material print, and when slicing it the preview showed the line suddenly getting wider and wider. I thought this might be a rendering issue and ignored it, but later when printing, I left the printer overnight, and found that the print had failed at exactly this spot. The cause of the failure was the the filament got deformed in the extruder, but I measured the height where the print failed and checked the heigh in the slicer, and they match exactly (both at 45.2 mm). Does anyone know what this is and how to fix it?

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 4 years par Kostya Yatsuk
Publié : 04/09/2020 9:58 pm
Modérateur Moderator
RE: Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?

I would suggest uploading the file to here so people can take a look at it for you...

Publié : 04/09/2020 10:08 pm
Famed Member
RE: Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?

If you will post the .stl(s) I'll be willing to take a look at it.

Publié : 04/09/2020 10:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?

I knew I'd seen this before -

Someone else posted that exact same issue.  They attached a .3mf project file though.  When I checked the stl file in Blender it reported 
39 Non Manifold edges
8 Bad Contiguous edges
1266 Intersecting faces
30 Zero Faces
29 Thin faces

Fixing the model through netfabb seems to remove the issue though.  This .3mf seems to be downloaded from somewhere as far as I can make out from the other post.  Someone should go tell the maker that the model is broken and to fix it otherwise we are going to get more of these.

Publié : 04/09/2020 10:47 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?
Posted by: @kostya-yatsuk9

I was trying to do a multi-material print, and when slicing it the preview showed the line suddenly getting wider and wider. I thought this might be a rendering issue and ignored it, but later when printing, I left the printer overnight, and found that the print had failed at exactly this spot. The cause of the failure was the the filament got deformed in the extruder, but I measured the height where the print failed and checked the heigh in the slicer, and they match exactly (both at 45.2 mm). Does anyone know what this is and how to fix it?

Upload the STL file (Add Media -> compresed zip file) and i would try to repair it with netfabb repair tools.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 05/09/2020 12:12 am
Kostya Yatsuk
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?

stl files


Sorry for the late reply everyone, didn't expect a reply so soon. Here are the 4 stl files I'm combining, although the main issue occurs with 1storage_core.stl. Thanks for the help in advance!

Publié : 05/09/2020 2:23 am
Kostya Yatsuk
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Does anyone know what this flat section is in the slicer?


Yeah. So the files i downloaded were from thingiverse and they included a .3mf file with them, which had multiple issues, so I just recreated it with my own settings, once this gets fixed i'll post a comment on their thingiverse.
The design in question:

Publié : 05/09/2020 2:30 am
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