Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura
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Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura  

Active Member
Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura


I am a long time Cura user using the version 5.6.0 win64. I am trying out PrusaSlicer Version 2.8.0+win64. for the first time, namely to see if the "grass is greener on the other side", and also I anecdotally heard that Prusaslicer does print faster.

I calibrated my filament using Cura; I used it to print out test prints such as Benchy, XYZ cube, and a hole accuracy one.

So I just copied and pasted the values to Prusaslicer - flow rate, retraction, and temperature.

I then printed out some test prints with PrusaSlicer and I noticed some things are a bit looser than when I printed it with Cura, such as this tolerance coin. On Cura, my flow rate is set to 90% the tolerance stopped at .15mm bur for Prusaslicer, it was tolerant for all the sizes. For the XYZ cube, Prusaslicer made the cube a bit too small.

When I re-calibrated my flow rate using this method using Prusaslicer, my flow rate is set to 1.04 (104%).

When I re-printed the XYZ cube, it is now more accurate to the 100th mm.

Can someone tell me what's going on? I am aware that each slicer uses different algorithms to slice, but a flow rate is a flow rate regardless how it's sliced.

Napsal : 24/08/2024 11:24 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura

What profiles are you using ?  Best way to get help is to post up a ZIPPED up copy of a prusa slicer project file here.  The File>Save project As will produce a 3mf file.  That file when saved from PS will contain not only the model/objects but also a copy of all 3 profiles as well as any modifiers etc you may have.  That way people can examine the complete picture without having to play 20 questions.

However I would also point out that flow rate or any other setting cannot be directly compared, as you point out the slicing code is different and so everything has to be setup for that combination of software and hardware.  You are just tweaking the amount of filament pushed out and that entirely relies on the code, its not a universal standard as you state, flow rate isn't 'just' flow rate.  

Also when you calibrated things were you using Classic or Arachne ?  Arachne varies the flow rate dynamically so is not good to use for basic setup.

See what I mean about 20 questions 🙂

Napsal : 25/08/2024 1:40 am
astramateria se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura

Hi thanks for the reply. I am using Arachne for both.

3MF file: tollerance-test-v2

As for calibration, since Cura and PrusaSlicer are completely different, should I re-do all calibration steps from scratch?


Napsal : 25/08/2024 2:31 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura

Also semi-unrelated question: Since OrcaSlicer is based off of PrusaSlicer, is it possible to calibrate my filament using OrcaSlicer but transfer the settings to PrusaSlicer?

Napsal : 25/08/2024 2:45 am
Illustrious Member

I don't use Orca slicer so I don't know with that specific one.  I do know that people have used Super Slicer to do calibration and then back ported the settings to PS.  Given that Orca seems to not only be based on PS but also incorporates many of the SuSi changes then I would think its possible.

One other point about calibrating flow that I didn't see mentioned in that cube print you linked to, you are measuring your filaments actual average diameter aren't you before doing it ?

I use a wide variety of filaments and they do vary from 1.71-1.78 as I've measured them.  Every PLA profile I have uses the base 1.0 EM.  That's because I enter the filaments real world diameter into the profile.  I have found that for me at least doing so means I do not need to change the EM. Every volume calculation starts with the filament diameter, if the real filament doesn't match the entered value then every calculation will be off.  Including any adjustment for EM.  
Worth considering.

That's one reason I really like PolyTerra as a filament, so far its average has been bang on 1.75mm.  

Also the file attached is not what is needed.  It needs to be a 3mf saved from within PS.  That 3mf doesn't contain your profiles, just the model data.  

Napsal : 25/08/2024 10:32 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura

I am using Overture and I randomly measured parts of it and it was 1.75.

I re-did a temp tower and flow rate test and I got a final result of 1.11 as a multiplier. I have yet to test it using a 40mm^3 cube, similar to Prusa's instructions.

As for the file, I did what you originally asked me to do:

The File>Save project As will produce a 3mf file. That file when saved from PS will contain not only the model/objects but also a copy of all 3 profiles as well as any modifiers etc you may have. That way people can examine the complete picture without having to play 20 questions.

Do you mean to do Menu > File > Export Export Config Bundle? If so, I included that here too.


Thanks for your help!

Napsal : 25/08/2024 11:34 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Dimensional Accuracy Issue vs Cura

Sorry I'm not importing a whole config bundle in.  That's a permanent way of adding new profiles.  And I don't really want a permanent copy of every custom profile on your system.  It also only contains CUSTOM profiles.  Any system profiles aren't saved in a config bundle as theoretically you can get them again using the wizard.  

With a 3mf file its an open standard.  There's core parts that are (supposed) to be common and then each program can add its own stuff.  When I load in the 3mf you attached ,the profiles for printer, print and filament stay on what I already have selected, so if I have a Mk3 then it stays on my Mk3, this indicates that there's no profile data in the 3mf file.
If you load it into your copy of the slicer and then select your machine, your filament and your print profile and then save it from Prusa Slicer using file>Save as the 3mf saved should then also contain a copy of your 3 currently selected profiles.  You can test that by saving it, changing your selected printer, filament etc and then restarting PS.  When you restart PS it should display the last selected profiles.  Then if you load in your saved 3mf it should replace them with the ones saved in the project file.

When someone else opens that 3mf in PS the 3 profiles are temporarily added (when using File>Open Project, if you use Add function then only model data is loaded in , even if a 3mf contains profile data). 

This means we can see what settings you were using for that project allowing people to debug issues relating to settings.  When PS is restarted the temp added ones are gone (unless we manually added them to our settings using the save icon).  The project should also save any modified settings that are different from the saved profiles on your system (if there are any)  as well as any modifiers if used or part placements.  Basically a project should be a complete snapshot.

Napsal : 26/08/2024 1:40 pm