Different print settings / extrusion widths for multi-extruder machine
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Different print settings / extrusion widths for multi-extruder machine  

Adam Haile
Different print settings / extrusion widths for multi-extruder machine

I'm using PrusaSlicer v2.2 and have a 4 extruder machine with 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, and 1.0mm nozzles installed. I'm having trouble understanding how to deal with the different nozzle diameters in the print settings. Unlike filament you cannot choose different print settings per extruder and when I use, for example, the 0.6mm extruder either independently or in collaboration with one of the 0.4mm extruders, all my extrusion widths show as the same for both extruders in the preview. As in: if I have 0.45mm as the default extrusion width in that print profile it uses that for the 0.4mm nozzle AND for the 0.6mm nozzle. 

Now, if I'm using just a single extruder for a print it's not a huge deal to have a separate print settings profile and modify the extrusion widths. But what if I want to use 0.4mm nozzle for the perimeters and the 1.0mm nozzle for the infill? (something that PrusaSlicer will let me do). How can I set proper extrusion widths for each tool??

Opublikowany : 18/11/2020 2:53 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Different print settings / extrusion widths for multi-extruder machine

Could you please save one of your projects (File>Save As) and then take the resulting .3mf file, zip it up and attach it to a post here please.
It must be zipped for the forum to accept it.  With a 3mf file we not only get the model but all the settings you are using to slice the project.  It makes it possible to check for potential problems and we can slice and preview, check gcode etc with the same settings you are using.

Opublikowany : 18/11/2020 3:23 pm
Adam Haile
Topic starter answered:
RE: Different print settings / extrusion widths for multi-extruder machine


Project zip attached. In this example, tool 1 is 0.4mm and tool 4 is 1.0mm. But I've selected a print profile that has 0.45mm extrusion widths set. 
As you can see in the gcode preview both models have the same extrusion width, regardless of which extruder they are using.


In this second example, I told PrusaSlicer to use tool 4 as the infill. But in the sliced preview you can see that it completely ignores that by having the preview colored by which tool is being used.


Opublikowany : 18/11/2020 4:25 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Different print settings / extrusion widths for multi-extruder machine

I’ll download it when I back home this evening but I had a further look with a 2 extruder setup earlier. The problem is that while you can assign different extruder to different parts and can then assign different filaments to those extruder the actual print profile is singular. 
For most default profiles this means that everything uses the same width. 
I think this is one area where Prusa slicer could be improved. so it might be worth opening an issue of GitHub if there isn’t one already. 

The only thing you can do is to set all your extrusion widths to 0. This makes it use the default values which is based on nozzle width. With that it does appear to then use the different widths in the preview. 

If I can think of anything else when I open the project I will post. 

Opublikowany : 18/11/2020 4:41 pm
Adam Haile
Topic starter answered:
RE: Different print settings / extrusion widths for multi-extruder machine
Posted by: @neophyl

The only thing you can do is to set all your extrusion widths to 0. This makes it use the default values which is based on nozzle width. With that it does appear to then use the different widths in the preview. 

Oh cool! That's a good tip. That would probably work fine. Thanks!
But yeah - I agree improvement could be made. But I get that Prusa is mostly focused on the MMU for this feature.

Opublikowany : 18/11/2020 4:44 pm