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creality profiles  

Eminent Member
creality profiles


i own two mk2s  i have backed the kickstart from creality for their new cr6 se 

could i ask prusa to add a profile for this printer in the 2.3.0 up grade



Napsal : 18/06/2020 11:01 am
Illustrious Member
RE: creality profiles

All non prusa profiles have been submitted for inclusion by the users of those printers.  They aren't created by Prusa themselves.

There is very little chance of it being included until people start actually getting their cr6 printers and then someone then following the process and submitting one.  Maybe you can work one out after getting your printer and then submit it.

Guideline are here -  

Napsal : 18/06/2020 11:28 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: creality profiles

ok thank you

Napsal : 18/06/2020 11:29 am
Eminent Member
RE: creality profiles

Here is a profile that so far has worked flawlessly on my CR-6SE  I don't have time to submit this to be added to a build but if someone else does, feel free to take credit.  

Attachment removed
Napsal : 30/08/2020 8:42 pm
New Member
RE: creality profiles

Currently tweaking Prusa for my CR-6 SE, and first wanted to thank you, ibgeek, for the config share.   I did want to ask, with an advertised speed of 80-100 (I know more speed, equals less quality), were you not able to get decent quality above the 40 mm/s you set in the config?  Just wondering how much you put into pushing the higher speed, with acceptable quality. (which I know is subjective as well)

Thanks for any feedback you can offer.

Napsal : 05/09/2020 4:18 pm
Eminent Member
RE: creality profiles

Hi Davi-19, this is just the base speed that I started with.  You can easily get 60 with no loss of quality.  I haven't pushed my CR-6SE past 60 yet but I've only had the printer for a month or two so far.  It's a pretty solid printer so I'm sure it will go faster.  

Napsal : 05/09/2020 5:15 pm
New Member
RE: perfiles de creality


Hola ibgeek que tal haz andado con la impresora estos meses ? Yo la acabo de comprar , pero aun encuentro que hay muchos parametros por corregir , tengo muchos problemas de "pelitos" espero que con tu experiencia me puedas ayudar

Napsal : 01/03/2021 8:40 pm
Eminent Member
RE: creality profiles
Posted by: @brulox92


‎Hello ibgeek how do you walk with the printer these months ? I just bought it, but I still find that there are many parameters to correct, I have many problems of "hairs" I hope that with your experience you can help me‎

Estoy usando un traductor, así que disculpe mis errores.

Si el encordado es su único problema real, entonces está cerca. Esto puede deberse a algunas cosas. Filamento viejo. El filamento que ha estado expuesto al aire libre absorberá la humedad, lo que hará que las impresiones sean fibrosas y sucias. La impresión demasiado caliente también provocará esto. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las veces encuentro que el problema está directamente relacionado con la calidad del filamento que estoy usando.

Napsal : 01/03/2021 9:22 pm
New Member
RE: creality profiles

I have downloaded the profile you uploaded,
thank you for sharing it, and I have the same encoding problems,
I have shared 3 filaments of different brands, creality, esun, and anet.
I also update the firmware to the community version 5, and clean the nozzle,
I have tried with retractions of 6mm and 50 mm / s maximum, but I do not see an improvement,
you still use the cr6, in these months you have improved your configuration even more? Thanks !
Napsal : 13/03/2021 9:53 pm
Eminent Member
RE: creality profiles


No that profile is still the one I use.  Love my print quality so haven't changed anything.   
I apologize that I wasn't more helpful.

Napsal : 13/03/2021 9:58 pm
Brulox92 se líbí
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: creality profiles

thanks guys

am using my cr6 se on community firmware  with prusa slicer ( setup as ender3 v2  ) default prusa prifiles working  ok

also just got a prusa mini 

Napsal : 13/03/2021 10:07 pm
Brulox92 se líbí
New Member
RE: perfiles de creality


Hola alan , que valores ocupas en el g-code inicio /fin  en prusa slicer para la cr6 se , espero me puedas ayudar , gracias.

Napsal : 14/03/2021 3:00 am