Control over painting with different extruders / programmatic modification objects
In the attached image, there is a picture of a 3D game board that I'm printing. I printed a circle with the black extruder, but it prints a rectangle under the part that surrounds the circle is filled with black and bleeds through the color around it.
Is there a way around this other than using modifier objects, but for this board it would take a ton of work to do that.
Is there any way to import modifier objects, so they can be created programmatically?
Please save your project as a .3mf file
Files > Save Project as
Zip the .3mf and post it here. It will contain both your part and your settings for us to diagnose.
RE: Control over painting with different extruders / programmatic modification objects
I sent you the file.
RE: Control over painting with different extruders / programmatic modification objects
No file attached. You did remember to ZIP it up first ? If you don't the forum just wont attach it. No warning, just wont do it.
RE: Control over painting with different extruders / programmatic modification objects
I sent it directly to Diem.
I resent just in case.
I sent it directly to Diem.
So you did - not a good idea in general as you then wait for me to come back on line when others, like @neophyl above, might have answered you faster if you had posted on the forum and those with a similar problem might have found an answer as well.
I will not repost your 3MF here as the metadata reserves the copyright, you, of course, are free to do so.
It appears to be a hybrid model, some part seperation and some painting, the painting depth is inconsistent in places, the part seperation might have been in cad or added shapes in PrusaSlicer, the painting depth variations apear to represent changes in tools used. The inconsistent painting depth and overworking means that layers of different extrusion underly the surface extrusion in places.
In general, design work should not be attempted in the slicer, the tools there are for emergency modification of (usually downloaded) files for which cad reworking is not practical.
If the model is designed as parts in CAD and the resulting part files are imported together then it's easy to allocate different extruders (in this case representing colours) to each part.
Attached is a zip of four part files demonstrating the technique; select them together and import to slicer - allocate a different extruder to each and slice. Examine each of the part files seperately to observe the method.
RE: Control over painting with different extruders / programmatic modification objects
Thanks for your help.
I created the object using CadQuery. It should be one solid object.
After importing it, I used the paint tool to color. Not sure how to change the depth. I just clicked on the surface. Maybe painting inside the wall of the inset circle caused the issue.
I'll check what you sent me. Thanks!
RE: Control over painting with different extruders / programmatic modification objects
Having Cadquery create multiple objects and them combining them as I import them into the slicer works great. not only addresses the issue I was having, but solved the bigger issue of being able to programmatically create the 3d object with different colors.
Thanks for your help.