Configure which settings are shown by default in object settings
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Configure which settings are shown by default in object settings  

Trusted Member
Configure which settings are shown by default in object settings

I'm very often facing the situation where I have to change settings that are not displayed by default in the "Object settings" side panel (expert mode), for instance brim width, top/bottom layer infill pattern, support type,... I don't want to create additional profiles, firstly to avoid cluttering the configuration, but also because the value of these additional settings is not the same for all prints. I just want the setting to be always included in the panel so that it's faster to edit it than systematically having to manually add it with the "Add settings" command of the part right click menu before being able to enter the desired value.

Is there somewhere a way to configure which settings are displayed by default in the side panel ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

MK3S, OpenSCAD, Blender, SolveSpace, Linux, electronics, robotics, software

Publié : 12/12/2024 11:17 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Configure which settings are shown by default in object settings

No there are no settings for that.  Not in Prusa Slicer.

If you find you use a common set of modifiers though then you can do what some of us do.  Create a new project.  Add 1 or more small primitives, say a cube. This object or objects will become a library. Resize the cube so it is small and mark it as not printable.  That way if you arrange it will move it off the plater or if you accidentally leave it on the platter it wont be printed anyway.

Then right click on the object(s) and add your common modifiers.  As many or as few as you want/need.  Your Object is now a library of your various settings.  Now save the Project. 

That project can now be used as a Workspace.  Now in the future instead of opening a new project you can just open your saved workspace project.  BY using projects as workspaces you can also save other things too such as selections of print/filament/printer profiles.  Or multi extruder/multi colour combo's etc.

SO with your workspace project loaded, add your geometry parts as normal.  You can then select the modifier properties from the right hand tree from your 'Library' objects and then copy using cntrl+C and then you can select your new object  in the tree and use paste (cntrl+V) to copy the modifiers from one object to another.  

You can save as many 'workspace' projects as you like too.  For those of us with several printers once you start really using projects its a godsend.  I can have Mk3_PLA or a SV08_Fast_PETG for example saved and can load in my preferred profiles along with the library objects and easily swap between.  


Publié : 12/12/2024 1:22 pm
_KaszpiR_, FoxRun3D et ssmith ont aimé
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Configure which settings are shown by default in object settings

Thanks for your quick reply.

I never thought about using a template project this way. This is an awesome way of answering my need (and a lot of others). Many thanks for sharing such an invaluable trick 👍 

MK3S, OpenSCAD, Blender, SolveSpace, Linux, electronics, robotics, software

Publié : 12/12/2024 2:02 pm
Don Anvar
RE: Configure which settings are shown by default in object settings

I would recommend it as a feature request. I have a print with multiple pieces, half needs brim, the others dont. Its PAINFUL to edit settings. 

Publié : 14/12/2024 10:17 pm
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