Color Print - MMU2
i like to change color at a layer height using "Color Print" pressing "+" in "Preview" View
where can i assign the MMU2 filament slot / extruder
Printer asks me to change filament
but there is no option to select with the MMU2
i had to change filament manual at the active MMU2 slot
RE: Color Print - MMU2
I wanted some since I bought first MMU(1)
Really NEED this function, because manual filament change in MMU2 is a pain... 😉 😉 😉
RE: Color Print - MMU2
Yeah, thats not how Prusaslicer works for MMU. If you want to change at a certain layer automatically, you have to either
a) create 2 seperate STL-files, that each have a extruder (=color) assigned or
b) add a modifier, where you set the extruder - and asign the other extruder to the STL file.
This will lead to automatic changes - the "+" will only lead to beeping.